[TUTORIAL] A tutorial creating map (1.8.2)

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20 Feb 2014 20:44

Hello everybody
Here is my first real contribution about a tutorial about creating original maps - tutorial who lacks in the world of ETS2. Because they are to much with differences on a same theme, a bit old for some and obviously incomplete, except the one for Crokets for ETS1.

So there the first tested part of my tutorial which is about the first step of maping : extracting and saving the game. I would like to have your critics about it, to tell me if somethink is missing or that could be modified to be more understandable.

How to create a new standalone map (1.8.2)
Summary :

To Start:
- How to extract and prepare your workplace
- How to go in the map editor
- How to use the menu items
- How to use the Keyboard short cuts and the mouse
- How to save your work

To Start:

How to extract and prepare your workplace:

Needed program:
winrar : http://www.winrar.com/
notepad++ : http://www.clubic.com/telecharger-fiche ... tepad.html
scs_extractor :[url=http://download.eurotrucksimulator2.com%20...%20ractor.zip]http://download.eurotrucksimulator2.com ... ractor.zip[/url] (extract it in C:\Users\Utilisateur\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2)

Initial_save : included in the scs_extractor file, this file is not necessary to mod but to reinitiate to the original Vanilla and DLC map

Before starting, we have to go to:
C:\Users\Utilisateur\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2
Find and open the file config.cfg with the notepad (you can tick the box of “always use this program to open this kind of files).
Than make ctrl+f, and write in the windows: uset g_developer
replace "0" by "1"
Do the same with: uset g_console
Save and quit the file.

In C:\Program Files (x86)\Euro Truck Simulator 2\bin\win_86x; right click on the game application eurotruck2 to become the administrator of the game.

Open your game, and change the screen size to: 1024x768, and untick the box « full screen ». The rest don’t have to change. On your computer screen you will have to change it too (depending on your screen size, mine is small (laptop)).

To be able to save your map:
Go in the game file directory : (default: C:\Program Files (x86)\Euro Truck Simulator 2)
Create a folder called « base ». In this folder create another folder called « map ».

Folder Modification:
You will now have a lot of folder to manage : the original from the game and yours, so be careful in your organization. Otherwise you will have to reinstall all the game.

1 Create a folder on your desktop called « base » and another one called “ (the name of your map) ” here called “project map”.
2 Search and copy the « base.scs » and “def.scs” in the game folder directory (default: C:\Program Files (x86)\Euro Truck Simulator 2)
3 Copy and paste them in the desktop “base” folder (nearly 2GB).
4 Copy paste the “scs_extractor” executive in desktop folder “base” from where you put it.
5 In the desktop folder « base », slide the « base.scs” on the « scs_extractor ». Than a extracting window will open and close when finished. Make the same for the “def.scs” file. This operation can be long for both files.
7 Now there are several folders, you can delete the « base.scs » and “def.scs”.
8 On your desktop create a new folder which will be your project called «project map» for example.
9 In the desktop folder « base », copy the « def » folder to the « project map » folder.
10 In the folder « project map » create a new folder called « map » (After each save you will have to copy the folder and the .mbd file which will be in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Euro Truck Simulator 2\base\map).

How to go in the map editor:

Start the game, then press « ² » button (next at left to « 1 ») before or after loading profile – not important. The console will appear, and then write “edit ”(with a space after edit) for a new map or “edit europe” to start on the original game map.

Some mod seems to make the editor crash when loading, here the one I had problem (all from SCS forum) that is why it is better to work with a empty mod folder (excluding your own map) – just create another folder to store you mods when mapping.
Here some mods which make the editor crash:
- Promods 1.52
- EUROPE 1.0.4. by MsHeavyAlex
- [REL] Poland Rebuilding (required Promods map 1.01/ 1.52) by RadolSzczecin

How to use the menu items:

It is the menu items at the bottom of the editor window.
On the left part :
New map:
Start a completely new map
Load map:
Allows you to load an existing map file
Save map:
Use this to save your work; the map file will be saved in C:Pogram files/Euro Truck Simulator/base/map
Set Defaults:
Allows you to set basic defaults for your map
Run Map:
Test the map with a vehicle
Click this to exit the program, make sure you save your changes before quitting!
Serve to save your new added compagnies
Here you can see what your map will look like at night or in bad weather, very useful for testing lights and to ensure your map appears as you want it to.

On the middle: which the change of the mouse position: the X,Y coordinate

On the right: In those red you have the tools to make your map
Current edit mode: The action you will do
Current edit mode: The action you will do.
New Item: include a new object.
Move Item: move an object.
Delete Item: delete an object.
Item Properties: open the properties on an object.
Node Properties: open the properties of a red node.
Height: modify the height of an object.
Place start: place the point where you will arrive when loading your map, and testing the map when driving.
Rotate X, Y or Z: rotate an object following the axis.
Import: import an .sbd file.
Brush: add a skin on a terrain by brushing (fields, colors…).
Sigh Add: normally add a sign (need confirmation).

Current item type: The tool you will use.
Road: choose the road or terrain types, it open with the “item properties”.
Prefab: choose a prefab, like intersection or a building (factory…).
Buildings: choose to place a building or a wall…
Model: Model and decorative buildings.
Animated Mode:need information.
Walker: add walkers.
Trigger: add independent contact (toll, garage door, radar…)
Cut Plane: add plane lane
Mover: add a moving object (train, animals, boats…)
City: add a city and give its size.
No Weather Area: a place where the weather isn’t shown (like in tunnels).
Hinge: add rotating object on a definite axis (gates, barrier…).
Map Overlay: delimitate a zone (like parking).
Sound: add a sound.
Ferry: add a multimodal loading point.
Camera Point: need information

Normally a grid but I never saw any changes. I need confirmation

How to use the Keyboard short cuts and the mouse:

Right Click = move the map
Left Click = select or move a selected object
Page Up => fast - zoom.
Page Down => fast + zoom.
Scroll up (on the mouse) => slow + zoom.
Scroll down (on the mouse) => slow - zoom.

To the right of the editor menu are lists you can select from but it is easier to use shortcut keys, a list of which follows (in brackets: Azerty Keyboard)
A (Q) = toggle background map on or off. If you don’t have any, it will put a red font.
B = Use the brush tool (use sparingly if at all)
C= Camera view (changes from overhead (editor) view to on the “fly” (roadside view) very useful tool to enable you to see how your roads will look in the map and to aid with changing the height of an item
D= Delete item by selecting the red nod.
E= New item
F= Find
G=Add sign tool
H= Height tool
I= Import item
M (,) = Move item
N= Node properties
P= Item properties
Q= Put the background map
R= Rotate item on X, Y or Z
S = Place Start (the car)
Not on the numeric Keyboard:
1= Road
2= Prefab
3= Building
4= Model
5= Company
6= Services point (allows you to add custom services and refueling points)
7= Cut plane (creates a zone that the engine doesn’t need to load at startup but will load when you approach the zone (not really used))
8= Mover (such as hot air balloon, wind turbine, windmill and so on)
9= City (This is the option used to add city entities to your map)
F5 = mini-map.

How to save your work:

Place a road by choosing new item and road (E and 1 on keyboard).
And save your map in the editor that I will call “test”(put the name of you project map), click on save map (or recompute if you add a factory), then close the editor.

1 In the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Euro Truck Simulator 2\base\map
2 Copy the folder test and the file test.mbd in your "project map/map" folder
3 Then in the “project map” folder select all the files, right click to add in archive, select ZIP, and store, name your archive “test.scs ».
4 Now cut the new “test.scs” file and paste it in the C:\Users\Utilisateur\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator/mod
5 Start the game and in the console write: “edit test”.
6 your map is back as you leaved it and you can continue your work.

Be careful: the name after edit must be the same as the .scs file from your “project map” folder, like above write “edit test”
After each save game, and the game closed you have to do it again, so that you can continue to edit it, including the last modification.

Tutorial from Julien (in French): Link
Video from : TuranoLP (in german) : Link
Crokett: ETS mapping tutorial : Link

The next part will be about the folder we can see in the "base" which can be useful, the different files extension (but it will be incomplete so I will have your adviceto help me to complete it). And maybe about background editor map (with the help of mandelsoft's advice from this forum)
Last edited by kentora on 03 Mar 2014 16:23, edited 2 times in total.

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21 Feb 2014 08:49

Thank you have inserted the source link my tutorial ! ;)
Go : http://www.scsmods.fr !
Sorry for my bad english, I use Google Traduction. I'm getting better every day ! I'm a beginner mapper. My mods : http://ets2.lt/en/?s=Julien

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21 Feb 2014 20:14

Always wanted to create map. Should try this :) (Btw, is it allowed to modify ProMods map and if yes then how? ;)

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21 Feb 2014 20:15

rainis.tiri wrote:(Btw, is it allowed to modify ProMods map and if yes then how? ;)
No sorry
I am Image Dutch living in Image New Zealand and I speak Image EN Image DE Image SE Image FR

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21 Feb 2014 20:19

Okay , thanks for info ;)

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03 Mar 2014 16:24


Today some slightly complement about the menu item are edited.

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01 May 2014 04:36

I have some problem with the map editor. This is what happens after i have loaded it. I can't press any button on the editor. I did everything right.
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- E18 Oslo-Kristiansand(Larvik, Porsgrunn, Skien, Arendal)
- E39 Kristiansand-Stavanger(Stavanger & Kristiansand rebuild)
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01 May 2014 06:52

Press the ~ again so that the console dissapears?
Am I developing at the moment?
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01 May 2014 10:25

Nico wrote:Press the ~ again so that the console dissapears?
Thanks, that really helped. I have an another problem aswell, and that is to run the map to test it. I press "run map", but nothing happens.
Developer of ScandinaviaMod ProMods map add-on
- E18 Oslo-Kristiansand(Larvik, Porsgrunn, Skien, Arendal)
- E39 Kristiansand-Stavanger(Stavanger & Kristiansand rebuild)
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01 May 2014 14:33

did u saved the map, and made a mod from it? Others it can't load the map

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