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ProMods 2.4 no carga

Posted: 27 Apr 2019 14:48
by euskalbart

Tras descargar el nuevo mapa ProMods 2.40, he probado a iniciar nueva partida, con nuevo perfil y se queda colgado en la pantalla de carga. He generado diferentes archivos de definición pero se queda parado en la misma pantalla de carga. Ni con DX ni con OpenGL, no tengo activado ningún otro mod, solo el ProMods 2.40.

Estoy con la última versión de ETS 2 (expansiones de mapa y cargas al máximo), no se si se debe a algún conflicto de versiones o se me olvida algo.

PD.: He encontrado el archivo de carga que muestra los errores:
00:48:15.498 : <ERROR> Unable to find trailer by name 'trailer.schw_reefer'. Skipping trailer definition for cargo '@@cargo_reindeer@@' (reindeer). File: /def/cargo/reindeer/schw_reefer.dlc_schwarzmuller.sii
00:48:15.498 : <ERROR> Unable to find trailer by name 'trailer.schw_reefer'. Skipping trailer definition for cargo '@@cargo_seafood@@' (seafood). File: /def/cargo/seafood/schw_reefer.dlc_schwarzmuller.sii
00:48:15.504 : <ERROR> Unable to find trailer by name 'trailer.schw_ovrwght.aircond'. Skipping trailer definition for cargo '@@cn_aircond@@' (aircond). File: /def/cargo/aircond/schw_ovrwght.aircond.dlc_trailers.sii
00:48:15.504 : <ERROR> Unable to find trailer by name 'trailer.schw_ovrwght.driller'. Skipping trailer definition for cargo '@@cn_driller@@' (driller). File: /def/cargo/driller/schw_ovrwght.driller.dlc_trailers.sii
00:48:15.504 : <ERROR> Unable to find trailer by name 'trailer.schw_ovrwght.helicopter'. Skipping trailer definition for cargo '@@cn_helicopter@@' (helicopter). File: /def/cargo/helicopter/schw_ovrwght.helicopter.dlc_trailers.sii
00:48:15.504 : <ERROR> Unable to find trailer by name 'trailer.schw_ovrwght.roller'. Skipping trailer definition for cargo '@@cn_roller@@' (roller). File: /def/cargo/roller/schw_ovrwght.roller.dlc_trailers.sii
00:48:15.505 : <ERROR> Unable to find trailer by name 'trailer.schw_ovrwght.tracks'. Skipping trailer definition for cargo '@@cn_tracks@@' (tracks). File: /def/cargo/tracks/schw_ovrwght.tracks.dlc_trailers.sii
00:48:15.505 : <ERROR> Unable to find trailer by name 'trailer.schw_ovrwght.tractor'. Skipping trailer definition for cargo '@@cn_rstractor@@' (tractor). File: /def/cargo/tractor/schw_ovrwght.tractor.dlc_trailers.sii
00:48:15.505 : <ERROR> Unable to find trailer by name ''. Skipping trailer definition for cargo '@@cn_tube@@' (tube). File: /def/cargo/tube/
00:48:15.505 : <ERROR> Unable to find trailer by name 'trailer.schw_ovrwght.yacht'. Skipping trailer definition for cargo '@@cn_yacht@@' (yacht). File: /def/cargo/yacht/schw_ovrwght.yacht.dlc_trailers.sii
00:48:15.506 : Loading company cargo data ....
00:48:16.610 : Loading unlock data ....
00:48:16.614 : <ERROR> Attribute 'glass_config' in game_data.sii is obsolete and should be removed! Glass panes configuration is now stored in '/def/vehicle/interior_glass_config.sii'.
00:48:16.741 : Map '/map/europe.mbd' loading started ....
00:48:17.048 : <ERROR> Oversize trajectory order rule without active route checkpoint. uid: 0x297DBF34F3400001
00:48:17.048 : <ERROR> Oversize trajectory order rule without active route checkpoint. uid: 0x297DBF7016400000
00:48:17.049 : <ERROR> Oversize trajectory order rule without active route checkpoint. uid: 0x298158A40D000005
00:48:17.049 : <ERROR> Oversize trajectory order rule without active route checkpoint. uid: 0x298158A4AA000001
00:48:18.270 : <ERROR> Oversize trajectory order rule without active route checkpoint. uid: 0x2D5B7F6CB2C00001
00:48:18.270 : <ERROR> Oversize trajectory order rule without active route checkpoint. uid: 0x2D5B85D038800001
00:48:19.095 : <ERROR> Oversize trajectory order rule without active route checkpoint. uid: 0x2B143EC406C00001
00:48:20.725 : <ERROR> Oversize trajectory order rule without active route checkpoint. uid: 0x2CAA431C92C00001
00:48:20.725 : <ERROR> Oversize trajectory order rule without active route checkpoint. uid: 0x2CAA471061000001
00:48:20.726 : <ERROR> Oversize trajectory order rule without active route checkpoint. uid: 0x2CAA48746F400001
00:48:20.726 : <ERROR> Oversize trajectory order rule without active route checkpoint. uid: 0x2CAA4DE8F7C00001
00:48:20.726 : <ERROR> Oversize trajectory order rule without active route checkpoint. uid: 0x2CAA5FA8C3C00001
00:48:20.726 : <ERROR> Oversize trajectory order rule without active route checkpoint. uid: 0x2CAA634453800001
00:48:20.943 : <ERROR> Oversize trajectory order rule without active route checkpoint. uid: 0x2392ADA8AD000001
00:48:20.972 : <ERROR> Oversize trajectory order rule without active route checkpoint. uid: 0x2E3BB594ED000000
00:48:20.972 : <ERROR> Oversize trajectory order rule without active route checkpoint. uid: 0x2E3BBB180B800000
00:48:26.251 : <ERROR> Oversize trajectory order rule without active route checkpoint. uid: 0x2E2ED47411000001
Es evidente que falla por la ausencia de determinados contenidos. He resinstalado el juego, he vuelto a bajar el archivo único y no se soluciona. Alguna pista?

Re: ProMods 2.4 no carga

Posted: 27 Apr 2019 17:33
by euskalbart
Solucionado... Aunque no venía especificado en ningún lugar, he descargado el archivo de los trailers y demás que no estaba incluido en ese archivo único.

El problema es que no voy a poder usar la partida que llevaba avanzada... habrá que volver a empezar. No se si verlo como un problema.

Se puede cerrar el hilo

Re: ProMods 2.4 no carga

Posted: 27 Apr 2019 18:01
by CptCaribbean
Me alegro que hayas solucionado el problema pero la próxima vez pon el game.log entero por favor. :)

Re: ProMods 2.4 no carga

Posted: 27 Apr 2019 21:09
by euskalbart
Me he centrado en la parte de los errores, con los que he conseguido concluir que faltaba ese archivo .scs adicional.

Lo siento.

Re: ProMods 2.4 no carga

Posted: 28 Apr 2019 16:11
by CptCaribbean
No no tranquilo, no pasa nada. Solo que para que podamos ver de donde proviene el error se necesita ver el game.log entero.