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How do I choose the type of semaphore to a prefab?

Posted: 06 Jul 2016 00:20
by Samot2003
I'm working at the moment with the ETS2 editor, but when I create a prefab and enable semaphores, only appear German traffic lights! I want to change the semaphore to a French or Italian semaphore but I can't. Please help me, thank you :(

Re: How do I choose the type of semaphore to a prefab?

Posted: 06 Jul 2016 01:13
by MandelSoft
Actually, the German one does not appear by default; it's the Czech style.

However, you can't manually assign the traffic light styles. The traffic light style is linked to the countries themselves. So if you are building a road, make sure the right country is assigned to it (you can check this with node properties). The country assignments usually happen at the borders, where border nodes are assigned by node properties, so if your new work connects to the rest of the map, you shouldn't worry about the assignment.

One thing to note is that the editor doesn't immediately assign the country assignment to road and prefab nodes; instead, it will be assigned when you save the map.