Toll booth problems

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Posts: 14
Joined: 22 Feb 2015 22:23

23 May 2015 16:30

I discovered this when I drove in Oslo and were heading towards Karlstad. When I got to the toll booth the gate did not open. I paid, but the gate opened on the wrong side. Instead of the gate being on the left side, it was on the right, which means, the gate from the both on the right to me is the one that's in front of me. So when I pay, the gate that's on the booth on the left opens but not the one I want to go trough. This was not a problem with ProMods in 1.16, but when I updated to 1.17 is must have occured then. I usually dont drive in Norway, so I just discovered this now.

If anyone know how to fix this, I would be glad to know, and if anyone else has this problem, use the booth furthest to the right, you can just drive right trough it without paying.

EDIT: I've only come across this problem in Norway, Sweden seems to work fine, and I've not seen any problems with France.


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