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Help with Translation

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 22:10
by lolek9427
Hi Guys!
I am currently doing a little programming project for my college and I was wondering if you guys could help me enlarge my translation base?
I have a list of sentences which need translation and if you guys could help out I would be very grateful if you could help me out!

If you can keep to the formatting that I use in this post that would be a great help! (English - Translated eg: Settings - Ustawienia)

Current Languages:
-Image Thanks to Noah_Lukas!
-Image Thanks to Darkfizch!
Language - English (Write the name of the language in the language you are translating eg: Polish = Polski or French = Français)

Click for More Options - Click for More Options
Find Flights by Airport Name - Find Flights by Airport Name
Find Flights by Airport ID - Find Flights by Airport ID
Find Flights by Airline Name - Find Flights by Airline Name
Close App - Close App
Settings - Settings
Find Flights in Your Area - Find Flights in Your Area
Add Flight Information - Add Flight Information
Search - Search
Enter {Airline Name | Airport Name | Airport ID} - Enter {Airline Name | Airport Name | Airport ID}
{Airline Name | Airport Name | Airport ID} could not be found. Try Again! - {Airline Name | Airport Name | Airport ID} could not be found. Try Again!
{Airline Name | Airport Name | Airport ID} cannot be empty! Try Again! - {Airline Name | Airport Name | Airport ID} cannot be empty! Try Again!
Search Error! - Search Error!
Success! - Success!
Settings Saved Successfully! - Settings Saved Successfully!
Airline Name - Airline Name
Airport ID - Airport ID
Airport Name - Airport Name
Language - Language
Local Settings - Local Settings
Time Format - Time Format
Save - Save
All the help will be highly appreciated and I will make sure to fully credit you in my works!

Re: Help with Translation

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 22:51
by Noah_Lukas
Deutsch - English (Deutsch=German)

Klicke für mehr Optionen - Click for More Options
Finde Flüge durch den Namen des Flughafens - Find Flights by Airport Name
Finde Flüge durch die Flughafen ID - Find Flights by Airport ID
Finde Flüge durch den Namen der Airline - Find Flights by Airline Name
Schließen - Exit App
Einstellungen - Settings
Finde Flüge in deiner Umgebung - Find Flights in Your Area
Füge Fluginformationen hinzu - Add Flight Information
Suchen - Search
Gebe ein {Name Airline | Name Flughafen | Flughafen ID} - Enter {Airline Name | Airport Name | Airport ID}
{Name Airline | Name Flughafen | Flughafen ID} konnte nicht gefunden werden. Versuche es erneut! - {Airline Name | Airport Name | Airport ID} could not be found. Try Again!
{Name Airline | Name Flughafen | Flughafen ID} darf nicht leer sein! Versuche es erneut! - {Airline Name | Airport Name | Airport ID} cannot be empty! Try Again!
Suchfehler! - Search Error!
Erfolgreich! - Success!
Einstellungen wurden erfolgreich gespeichert! - Settings Saved Successfully!
Name der Airline - Airline Name
Flughafen ID - Airport ID
Name des Flughafens - Airport Name
Sprache - Language
Lokale Einstellungen - Local Settings
Zeitformat - Time Format
Speichern - Save

(one question: what do you mean with exit app? :D)

Re: Help with Translation

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 23:00
by lolek9427
Noah_Lukas wrote:
03 Feb 2018 22:51
(one question: what do you mean with exit app? :D)
Thank you so much Noah!
By exit app I mean close application :p Something along the lines of clicking it to close it down! I should probably change that :p

Re: Help with Translation

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 23:04
by Noah_Lukas
Ok now I know what you mean I'll chage my translation for that too :D

Re: Help with Translation

Posted: 03 Feb 2018 23:08
by lolek9427
Also quick question to English/American people here. What is the difference between English(UK) and English(USA)? I honestly don't have a notion :p

Re: Help with Translation

Posted: 04 Feb 2018 01:42
by Tanksome
Some words are spelled differently like
Color (USA)
Colour (UK)
and so on

Re: Help with Translation

Posted: 04 Feb 2018 10:12
by lolek9427
Tanksome wrote:
04 Feb 2018 01:42
Some words are spelled differently like
Color (USA)
Colour (UK)
and so on
Ah okay got it! Thanks

Re: Help with Translation

Posted: 06 Feb 2018 22:46
by Darkfizch
Nederlands - English (Nederlands = Dutch)

Klik voor meer opties - Click for More Options
Vind vluchten op naam van luchthaven - Find Flights by Airport Name
Vind vluchten op ID van luchthaven - Find Flights by Airport ID
Vind vluchten op naam van vliegmaatschappij - Find Flights by Airline Name
Sluit app - Close App
Instellingen - Settings
Vind vluchten in jouw omgeving - Find Flights in Your Area
Voeg vluchtinformatie toe - Add Flight Information
Zoek - Search
Vul in {naam vliegmaatschappij | naam luchthaven | luchthaven ID} - Enter {Airline Name | Airport Name | Airport ID}
{Naam vliegmaatschappij | Naam luchthaven | Luchthaven ID} kon niet gevonden worden. Probeer opnieuw! - {Airline Name | Airport Name | Airport ID} could not be found. Try Again!
{Naam vliegmaatschappij | Naam luchthaven | Luchthaven ID} mag niet leeg zijn. Probeer opnieuw! - {Airline Name | Airport Name | Airport ID} cannot be empty! Try Again!
Zoekfout! - Search Error!
Gelukt! - Success!
Instellingen succesvol opgeslagen! - Settings Saved Successfully!
Vliegmaatschappijnaam - Airline Name
Luchthaven ID - Airport ID
Luchthavennaam - Airport Name
Taal - Language
Lokale instellingen - Local Settings
Tijdsformaat - Time Format
Opslaan - Save
Good luck with your project!

Re: Help with Translation

Posted: 07 Feb 2018 12:15
by lolek9427
Thanks a lot man! Really appreciate it!

Re: Help with Translation

Posted: 26 May 2018 14:15
by liano
Português (Europeu) - English (Português (Europeu) = Portuguese (European))

Clicar para Mais Opções - Click for More Options
Encontrar Voos por Nome do Aeroporto - Find Flights by Airport Name
Encontrar Voos por ID do Aeroporto - Find Flights by Airport ID
Encontrar Voos por Nome da Companhia Aérea - Find Flights by Airline Name
Fechar a Aplicação - Close App
Definições - Settings
Encontrar Voos na Sua Zona - Find Flights in Your Area
Adicionar Informação do Voo - Add Flight Information
Procurar - Search
Inserir {Nome da Companhia Aérea | Nome do Aeroporto | ID do Aeroporto} - Enter {Airline Name | Airport Name | Airport ID}
{O Nome da Companhia Aérea | O Nome do Aeroporto | O ID do Aeroporto} não foi encontrado. Tente Novamente! - {Airline Name | Airport Name | Airport ID} could not be found. Try Again!
{O Campo Nome da Companhia Aérea | O Campo Nome do Aeroporto | O Campo ID do Aeroporto} não pode estar vazio! Tente Novamente! - {Airline Name | Airport Name | Airport ID} cannot be empty! Try Again!
Erro na Procura! - Search Error!
Sucesso! - Success!
Definições Guardadas com Sucesso! - Settings Saved Successfully!
Nome da Companhia Aérea - Airline Name
ID do Aeroporto - Airport ID
Nome do Aeroporto - Airport Name
Língua - Language
Definições Locais - Local Settings
Formato da Hora - Time Format
Guardar - Save
I don't know if the App will be formal or informal that's why I've put the verbs in infinitive and in your, I've put "sua" instead of "tua". In the answers saying that the thing couldn't be found and the field cannot be empty, you can use only "nome da companhia" instead of "nome da companhia aérea" 'cause if it's about flights and aerial things, ofcourse it will be "aérea". It's European Portuguese because there are differences between portuguese spoken in Portugal and portuguese spoken in Brazil. If you'll need informal text, just say. I'll be around.