Change map editor background position

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Posts: 34
Joined: 04 Aug 2015 02:47

05 Feb 2016 19:49

I have created new editor background image with dimensions: 14976 x 14848
I have loaded it in editor, and it loads fine.
I know that I don't have default 1:19 backround, but this is no problem for me when I'm working in editor on higher scale map.
I want to change position of loaded background, in place upper Greenland (to not collide with other maps). Currently when I searched for Oslo, I get it in the middle of my map background what is wrong for me. I want to have lower point of my background image in place about ~~ 3000 km upper default Scandinavia map (to not make colissions with other map mods (especially ROS and OE), it can be even more upper).
How to do that?
I have found editor_data.sii with this lines:

Code: Select all

	map_import_offset: (-43402, 0, -28089)
	bcg_map_name[]: "/map/europe.mbd"
	bcg_material[]: "/material/editor/europe.mat"
	bcg_size_x[]: 207656 # 207656
	bcg_size_y[]: 174375 # 174375
	bcg_offset_x[]: 10500 # 10500
	bcg_offset_y[]: -7090 # -7090
How to edit these lines to move my background map position?

I have also 3 other parts of background image, which cannot be loaded together (very high size). It's possible to mix the images (change position of each, so it will not collide with each other)?

I have Upper Right, Upper Left, Lower Right and Lower Left templates, I start mapping with Lower Right, but in future I want to join Lower Left and upper templates, so how I can change values to make it not collide?
By not colliding I define situation:
I work on a map with background until I reach the border. I save map. I change the background image and definition file, and I now don't see background of part I have already mapped, but I see new mapping region instead, and it's not shifted.

Can anyone explain me values in editor_data.sii and how it's calculated (If it's the valid values to do that) ?

Thanks in advance.
Map: Promods 2.00 + Project Balkans 1.02 + RusMap 1.6 + South Korea Adventure Map 5.8 + Russian Open Spaces 2.4 + TasMap 5.2 + ROC 0.13

Posts: 34
Joined: 04 Aug 2015 02:47

05 Feb 2016 21:26

I have solved first problem. South Eastearn part is now on good position.
I have changed the value to this:

Code: Select all

	bcg_offset_y[]: -400000 # -7090
Now I need to create compatible packages with other map sides, but don't know how to properly manipulate this coordinaties. Isn't that offset a pixel size?
If yes, I think I just need to modify that variables by full picture image dimensions. But I don't know this at the moment.
Map: Promods 2.00 + Project Balkans 1.02 + RusMap 1.6 + South Korea Adventure Map 5.8 + Russian Open Spaces 2.4 + TasMap 5.2 + ROC 0.13

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