Missing pieces of roads

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31 Jan 2024 17:52

Bonjour à tous je ne sais pas si à vous ça vous a fait la même chose qu'à moi mais dan ATS je suis tombé dan des trous c'eqt à dire que c'était la fin de la route des voitures arrivaient et elles disparaissaient voilà j'espère que vous m'avez compris si quelqu'un à qui c'est arrivé qu'il me le dise merci...

Hello everyone, I don't know if it did the same thing to you as it did to me, but in ATS I fell into holes, that is to say that it was the end of the road, cars were coming and they were disappearing, there you go, I hope you understood me, if someone to whom it happened let me tell me, thank you...
Last edited by mads1153 on 31 Jan 2024 21:01, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Added English translation - Please use English next time and in main forums.

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31 Jan 2024 21:04

Hello, Jeff0169.

This is not enough information to describe the bug when there is no mention on where the bug are like is this somewhere in ProMods Canada? with coordinates, no screenshot and no game.log.txt.

Please follow the topic about how to report a bug correctly:
This mod is so awesome :D

Using Promods Europe 2.70 and ProMods Canada 1.3.0
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06 Feb 2024 16:50

bonjour merci pour la réponse comment faire pour envoyer une capture d'écran?

EN: hello thank you for the answer how to send a screenshot?
Last edited by 30maes on 07 Feb 2024 05:46, edited 1 time in total.

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