Volleybal4life's message seemed to indicate I was only warned for posting the mod link and not banned for it, so I took it that way.You are not banned for saying for "lol" after you have got a verbal warning. You are banned for violating a 2.x rule on our Discord server which should be Banned Permanently with No Warning.
Considering these factors:We gave you a chance, but it seems that you didn't take that chance. You didn't even say a "sorry" which I think I would say if I have been warned by the rule. Or I would even express my gratitude because I have been warned for the rule which should be a permanent ban instead.
1: It is a paid mod link. It is not a scam, threat, insult, personal attack, inappropriate content, inappropriate comment (transphobic, homophobic, racist, sexist), or doxing of someone's personal information.
2: Posting the mod link does not put anyone on the ProMods team or its owners/founders at legal liability/risk. No company and no one will sue ProMods because I posted a paid mod link in the server.
3: I am not the mod creator, I had no involvement with its creation, I am not friends with the creator, and I dont gain anything in anyway at all for linking someone to the mod.
4: I only posted the mod link once because someone asked me for it. I didn't post it to promote the mod or because I wanted people to buy the mod, and I didnt spam/post multiple times.
5: I was not a "known problem" to the server, in the multiple years I was in the server I caused very few or no issues.
Considering the above, I think not immediately perma banning me is the bare minimum anyone could have done to be reasonable. It is a harmless mod link, no one was or would ever be effected or offended.
With how long the server rule list is, I highly doubt anyone actually reads it, I know I didn't. At most I quickly looked through it once.In all, the rule is what you have read, check and understand when you joined the server. I, as a witness, don't think there is anything wrong with this ban.
Something I've learned with owning and moderating a couple servers is that no one cares to read the rule list. You're better off with a very short list of 5 to 10 rules that some people might read, versus a huge list that rivals the ToS on some websites, which definitely no one will take the time to read.
People aren't likely to remember random quirky rules like this that only exist in a single server they're in, whereas any decent server expects its members to not post inappropriate content so it is a much easier rule to follow because it is so common.
In my opinion the rule about promoting paid content does not sound like it is even aimed at this type of situation, but actual promoting of paid content. Examples: Creating a forum thread on this forum about a paid mod, posting a paid mod link in the mod showcase channel, or saying something in a random text channel like "Hey, check out the mod I just released *insert link*".