Development on version 1.x (Current Map Improvements)

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15 Nov 2013 12:01

So, let me add my two cents to the matter...

First of all, up to version 1.0.1, this was basically a two man job: Promods was no more than just ScuL and Nico working on the map. True, there were a lot of beta testers, but only two developers (I only came in after the release of version 1.0.1), meaning that it's a huge burden laid upon their shoulder to make a map expansion with the size of half of the already existing map. Adding the fact that they do this in their free time and they have other real life obligations to do, this must have been a heck of a job. So kudos to that...

Second, though I agree that quite some things can be improved on the map, there are also some places on the map that are spot on. Particulary the approach to Jönköping from the north on the E4 near the Vättern is exactly as I remembered when I was there and also the Rv40 is done pretty decently. The E4 to the south from Jönköping is not that interesting with all these forrests around, but this is also in Real Life: it's equally boring, but in real life, this lasts for two hours instead of five minutes.

I don't say we don't need to improve the map sectors we've already completed. On the contrary, this is an ongoing effort and we are improving the map, one section and one aspect at the time. Some interchanges on the E4 have been rebuilt (see on previous pages of this thread), props and signs have been replaced by better ones (Modular Signage FTW!) some additional landscaping has been added and there's major reconstruction going on near Malmö. Furthermore, groundwork has been laid for Linköping (and with groundwork I mean roads + companies, little landscaping so far) and there are plans to add Kalmar, Trelleborg and Ystad to the map (and in lesser extent, Sundsvall, Örebro and Norrköping). We also get complaints about Denmark being unrealistic and we are adding some improvements there too.

... and all of this is happening while we also add new areas to the map n France, Spain and the Baltics. So you see, there's still a lot of work to do. Extra workforce (especially modelers to add more details in form of props!) is always welcome, you can even ask for some help from us if you need to know something about the map editor...

... but screaming along the sidelines complaining about stuff while not lifting a finger to improve it is not productive for all of us. So please, show some respect ;)


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15 Nov 2013 13:37

Well spoken! And thanks for the contribution to ETS2, all of you in the team. It's a map free of charge, so users should take it or leave it. As with all free mods. Or make one to your liking yourself.
And as an advise to the team: don't listen to the complains - and if you do - see it more as an interest of your work sometimes expressed in a somewhat clumsey way. And remember, many readers here in the forum don't have English as their native language. Like me.

Keep on working. The most of us love what you do.


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15 Nov 2013 14:05

Alright I calmed down and now I need some distraction.

So forget my latest rant and just try to follow my small analysis on his text... something I need to do with speeches at school, let's see if I can manage it on a board post :p

First of all, when trying to make a general assumption you should try to make a real one. A personal opinion doesn't really serve as a general assumption. With that I mean this sentence:
And everyone knows that.

Says who? As ScuL already illustrated we have one of the biggest fan bases of the ETS2 mapping community. So very clearly you have no idea what you are talking about.

You not having any idea what you are talking about is already starting in your first lines:
Hello. Norway, Denmark, Finland, photos from Estonia, France, etc... is very beautiful, BUT Sweden were made really badly. I live in Sweden (2 years now).
Sorry but most complaints are about Denmark and not about Sweden. You are trying to use the charming the enemy approach to start with a "wrong" compliment. I don't want to say that DK, FIN, EST, N etc look bad, but they also don't look like the real deal. And you live in Sweden for what? Two whole years... Wow that is alot. You must be the real expert here. Sorry for my cynical tone but that just sounds like: I'm a good driver. I have been driving for 2 years now...

Talking about you and living in Sweden. You posted in the introductions this:
Hello, my name is Mindaugas (my nick is mindebuc (my short of my name (Minde) and three first letters of second name)), I born and now I live in Lithuania (It's like holidays, because my parents working in Sweden and I'm living with them, and they are now with me) and I'm 14 years old.
I really like Euro Truck Simulator (and 1, and 2) and I think, that Your map is really good (Why I couldn't think that's it's bad? Because it's realistic and when I'm in Sweden I live near Skövde (I know, that Skövde is in Your map with Volvo Powertrain)).
Good luck for everyone.
So here you are telling the exact opposite of what you said there.... Maybe it has to do due to the fact that you now got to play the map alittle more, but still... I don´t want to turn down people on age (and I'm "just" 17 years old) but you are 14.... ScuL has been to Sweden since 1989 which is 24 years.... 24/2=12 so he got 12 times more experience of Sweden?? (that is btw not a very good use of propaganda techniques, something you tend to use to get a strong message across, but in this case we are talking alittle pathetic :p )
This brings more experience questions:
Almost half of roads which is in map I saw in real life.
How? You have been living in Sweden for 2 years you said... I have been travelling the BAB3 from the Netherlands to Nürnberg about 50 times in my life now, and I still don't know the road every nice detail of the road. Just to give you an idea between really knowing a road and pretending to know a road.

So your last statement analised for today:
Most of roads from Sweden don't looks like the RL roads.
Wow never heared this comment before. There has never been anyone saying: SCS roads look like IRL (until now :mrgreen:)
It's a game, what you expect. If you want real life, I have a tip for you: Go to the left bottom of the PC, press the button and hit shut down. Than go and play outside. That is the real world.

So to finish my rather long analysis of your small text: You are talking nonsense, and everyone knows it, judging from the comments coming from other developers and fans.

So thank you guys for the positive feedback and if managed to read it till here: RESPECT!!
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15 Nov 2013 15:18

puuh I managed to read everything! :D

Just don`t listen to those stupid words and keep on doing what you are doing better than any modder out there: build maps!

I just can`t wait for the next update playing 1.01 sincs its´ release!
I simply love your work and I personally think Sweden is made really good! I almost cried for joy as I drove there the first tim! :D ;)

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15 Nov 2013 15:37

Although I think that there could be a lot of improvements to the map I know that it's a game and it will never be fully realistic. As I've been to Denmark, Sweden and Norway in the summer I know a few places and there are several points on the map that really reminds me of what I've seen when I was driving there (the lighthouse in Denmark next to the bridge on the E20, The tunnel and bridge between Denmark and Sweden where you first have the airport on the right, then a small tunnel and then the long bridge, etc.). I know how big the map is and I know that a lot of work has been put into making both details and quantity and that this must have been a big job. So, maybe it's a good thing to just say thanks to the great work you guys have delivered up to now because I do not only think that's it's a good job that you've done, I also love your work.
Thank you.

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15 Nov 2013 16:11

I've been to normandy, France myself a few times, and when I saw a video of Kutchek's part of the map I could recognise a lot of things, some people seem to forget this is just a game, not an 1:1 replica of Europe. I really like this map so far.

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15 Nov 2013 18:20

I only post occasionally when I feel I have something to say, a few times in the past to defend the team who do an awesome job. The reason for limiting my posts is that I respect that the Pro Mods team are doing this for free for the benefit of the community and don't need to be answering the same questions by the same few people over and over again. Think of it this way, time spent answering these questions might have been spent on map making.
I would also like to comment on the free part, there is a donation button at the bottom of this website. I have used this in the past and will use it again in the future. It is one of my ways of giving credit where it is due.

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15 Nov 2013 18:33

That is something that will always take time: Promoting.

Luckely we have alot of help by famous Youtubers (Squirrel, Keralis etc) and by people from the community.

And to all the people who are donating: Thank you very much. With your help we at least don't write red numbers :)
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15 Nov 2013 19:27

Did not know that you could donate money. Good to know.

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15 Nov 2013 20:20

Back to the subject of real map improvements...

A reconstructed interchange near Aalborg. Also, I'm gradually replacing all Danish signage with their modular signage counterparts.

Scenery reconstruction at the eastern end of the Størebeltbron...




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