MrAnthony's Screenshots

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20 May 2014 09:48

Looks nice especially the last one , keep telling us story :)
Volvo FH Globetrotter XL 750HP 6X2/4 Midlift

Map coverage: 44,78%
Truck driven distance: 12275 Km
Overall driven distance: 879873 Km
Driven distance during jobs:548030 Km
HQ garage : Nice , France
Trips completed : 450


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20 May 2014 16:28

Cheers guys! Story will continue, and I also think trucks look nicer when they're not all cluttered. Particularly the interior.

This might be the last lot for a few days. Will be moving out, so I dare say I'll be occupied with that process for a while.


Fifth job: Pallets from Birmingham to Kolding

Quite enjoyed this trip. It was pretty long too. Possibly the longest journey I've made yet, and low and behold I was given another underpowered Scania. I'm yet to get a taste of V8 power, which is a shame. But my time will come!

First job was to pick collect the truck and trailer in Birmingham. Never seen one quite like this before. I've seen jumbo trailers before, but never with 4 axles. "This should be interesting", I thought.

All loaded up I hit the dual carriagway and headed out of the city, southbound for Harwich.

It had been quite a pleasant, albeit slow journey so far. Roads weren't too busy, just wish I had more power! Once I hit the motorway it was full throttle near enough the whole way down south.

Just passing the large IKEA north of London. Might find myself making deliveries here some day. Who knows?

On summer days like these, the scenery is absolutely beautiful. Despite all it's little flaws, I sure do love the UK. It's getting a little warm, AC is on, just about ready for a break I think. Harwich approaches.

Once I see the cranes in distance I know I'm almost there. The ferry isn't for a few hours, but the traffic is getting pretty bad around the 5pm rush hour. Hopefully I'll get through the town quick enough and still have to time to relax before boarding.

Plenty of time to spare! Good job too. I can pull have, eat that sandwich that has been staring at me all afternoon, have a cup of tea and relax. They'll call me over when they're ready to put me onboard.

After being on the ferry all night, and getting myself a good few hours sleep it's once again time to get back behind the wheel. Can't go anyway until I've had my passport and truck checked over.

It's been a motorway drive pretty much the entire way. A little boring, but nice and speedy. After a few hours driving I finally pull off the motorway and head into Kolding.

And here we are, safe and sound in the yard. Time to park, collect my payment, and head back home to England and wait for the next job!


Until next time!
- Anthony.

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20 May 2014 17:00

Stummer and Anthony, I couldn't agree with you more on the clutter thing, so many people make mods now with curtains, books, flags, laptops, even women, as standard, and it just makes the truck feel untidy.

Keep up the screenshots, there are some great ones there mate!
MrAnthony wrote:eat that sandwich that has been staring at me all afternoon

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21 May 2014 09:24

Man! , that trailer is awesome....and your shots of course.
Volvo FH Globetrotter XL 750HP 6X2/4 Midlift

Map coverage: 44,78%
Truck driven distance: 12275 Km
Overall driven distance: 879873 Km
Driven distance during jobs:548030 Km
HQ garage : Nice , France
Trips completed : 450


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21 May 2014 11:59

Cheers guys! Much appreciated.

No pics today I'm afraid. I've got a little time now to pop in and make a few comments here and there but no game time at the moment. I'll try and get some up when I get some time. Perhaps not until the weekend, we'll see.

Keep on trucking!
- Anthony.

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22 May 2014 13:56

Packing is an absolute pain. Did get time for a delivery this morning though, so here you go!


Sixth job: A container of car parts from Gothenburg to Amsterdam.

Definitely a long trip. Took me 22:26 hours in total. Had to take a rest in Germany, but still made it on time. Took quite a few pictures in this trip, won't upload them all since there are so many. I was given an older, 420hp Scania 124L for this job. Quite a nice truck, the interior was dated but still had quite a modern feel. But the miles this truck has clocked up, wow!

Picked the truck and trailer up at 8:30am in Gothenburg. I knew I had quite a long day of driving ahead of me so I was eager to get moving. After everything was checked over, I hit the road.

The sun was shining, the roads were flat and relatively empty. I hit the cruise control button, and just sat back and relaxed. This truck was pretty comfy and smooth to drive. Good job too since I'd be spending the next almost 24 hours inside it.

I absolutely love Sweden. The scenery is just incredible. There's always something cool to look at. Even the ocean looks great!

The sun shines over IKEA, the yellow and blue glows in the distance. Pretty popular store in Sweden I hear... ;)

Sadly the sun didn't last for the whole day. By the early afternoon the clouds had descended and it was getting pretty dark. Just pulling into the toll booth here, about the cross the bridge and then under the water into København.

I had to take a short, 45min ferry into Germany. The traffic approaching the port was pretty bad but I eventually made it through. I'm glad the sun came back out too, driving under those clouds was pretty miserable.

The ferry set off in the late afternoon, and once I'd had my passport and such checked I got to board straight away which was great. I parked up, had a snack and a drink and waiting to cross the water into Germany.

By the early evening I was getting pretty tired having been driving since about 9am. I filled up the tank and then parked up for some sleep. Definitely needed it!

I set my alarm for 2am, this would have given me plenty of rest and still leave me plenty of time to get to Amsterdam on time. It was getting a bit foggy when I started the truck up again, so I figured I had best get a move on.

And boy did it get foggy! I could barely see without my full beam lights on. Traffic coming the other way meant I had to keep switching between the two, but it would be morning soon so I wasn't too worried.

It started to clear up as I crossed over into the Netherlands. Driving through the night saved loads of time what with the roads being so clear. Glad I stopped when I did!

Couldn't drive through the Netherlands and not take a picture of the windmills!

With Amsterdam on the horizon ahead, and the sun coming up behind me I knew I was making good time, and wouldn't have much further to go.

And here I am, pulling into Amsterdam. Pushing 6am, but I'm much earlier than expected and there's a nice paycheck headed my way. Really enjoyed driving this truck, but nearly 24 hours has taken its toll on me. Time for a good rest, and onto the next job!


I'm saving up to buy my own truck. I've got a few ideas, and I'm looking into skinning too so it should be pretty interesting when I'm done!

- Anthony.

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22 May 2014 14:10

Are you playing with random missions? , it should be quite fine , but having an old truck to drive should not be that fun or not ;) , i made also long trip from Turku to Lorient some distance to drive and it was an urgent delivery , did delivery only 20 minutes before the time limit , but really nice it was to look awesome scenery
Volvo FH Globetrotter XL 750HP 6X2/4 Midlift

Map coverage: 44,78%
Truck driven distance: 12275 Km
Overall driven distance: 879873 Km
Driven distance during jobs:548030 Km
HQ garage : Nice , France
Trips completed : 450


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22 May 2014 18:18

MrAnthony wrote:Cheers Jasper! I quite like that one too.

I discovered the proper photo tool in the last set, so I've been using it for pretty much all of my screenshots now!


Fourth job: Delivery for DB Schenker from Portsmouth to Le Havre

Didn't get a call until the late afternoon asking if I could drive overnight to Le Havre, I was alittle skeptical to begin with, having never done a proper night time drive before. But I took the job and headed off to collect the truck around 8pm. Couldn't grab any photos until after I got of the Ferry in Cherbourg. The Depot guys were running a little late meaning I had to rush in the end to catch the ferry on time.

Got myself a nice Volvo once again. Not sure about the pink, I'll be perfectly honest. It's a nice colour, but it doesn't suit this truck. At least not in this shade. I encountered my first toll road on this journey, which was fine since the agency reimbursed the cost once I got home.

It's just typical that I would encounter roadworks, even on French soil! But at least there were no other speed limits being enforced so I could just motor on through.

It was a little bit foggy in the early hours of the morning, and I found myself stuck behind another Volvo doing about 30mph on the dual carriageway. A little too slow if you ask me, but he probably had something fragile in his containers.

Crossing this bridge was great, apart from the fact that it was dark and foggy so I couldn't really see much. The wind blew the truck about a little, but it wasn't too bad. Just got to travel a little further and I'll arrive at my destination. Another short trip, but possibly the most interesting one yet!


- Anthony.
What mod are you using for the yellow streetlights?

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22 May 2014 18:46

Great screens.

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22 May 2014 18:52

Great looking 4 Series! Makes me ashamed I removed that mod, will have to re-instate it sometime ;)

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