Some signing error in Sweden

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24 Aug 2013 12:25

@EnVi Sweden Rules:
"Fordonsgas" is different from "Bensinstation", they are two separate things!
"Fordonsgas", LPG and "Biogas" are the same thing, it's what most buses run on in Gothenburg.
The second link, on the left used to sport Ethanol 85 (E85) pumps too. I don't know where they went.

Here, look at this if you don't believe me: ... ation&z=18

That is a bus parking lot where buses not needing to be in traffic are refueled and parked.

Show me a sign with "Bensinstation" on it made by "Trafikverket" and i will agree with you on that part but i have yet to see a single one.

In Swedish:

Fordonsgas är inte samma som bensinstation, dom är två helt skilda saker!
Fordonsgas är samma som biogas, det är det som de flesta bussarna kör på i Göteborg.
I den andra länken, till vänster brukade det finnas Etanol 85 (E85) pumpar också. Jag har ingen aning vart dom tog vägen.

Kolla på denna länken om du inte tror mig: ... ation&z=18

Det är en bussparkering där bussar som inte är i trafik tankas och parkeras.

Visa mig en skylt med texten "Bensinstation" från Trafikverket och jag kommer hålla med dig om den biten men jag har inte sett en enda.

EnVi Sweden Rules
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24 Aug 2013 23:02

I know most of all buses run on "Biogas" they run it even in Norrköping.
and "Fordonsgas" and "Bensinstation" are difficult types of text.
But you can still feul your vehicle in both stations, my Point of this is that i Think they should use "Bensinstation" instead of "Fordonsgas" be cause many of the trucks i know feul thier truck with Diesel, not "biogas", at an "Bensinstation".

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25 Aug 2013 00:21

Or just use the old Service Station signs. Since the word Service & Station is the same in Sweden... We just make it to one word: Servicestation

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25 Aug 2013 00:34

But i am telling you that there are NO signs with "Bensistation" on them in Sweden anywhere, if you have an example of one them please post it.
You only get the icon of the pump and you only get that when it's needed. Otherwise you look for those tall pillars where Statoil, Shell, Preem and OKQ8 etc have their stations.

I haven't seen "Servicestation" either, provide an example please.

That said, if the signs in Scandinavia mod always are "Fordonsgas" at every gas station despite there not being any LPG or Biogas pumps at it then that is wrong too. They should use the pump icons.
And if both exist they should use both the icon and "Fordonsgas" to be accurate.

And i have yet to come across a gas station that doesn't provide diesel considering around 60% of all vehicles in Sweden run on diesel.

But i repeat, using a sign that reads "Bensinstation" would be even worse since there are no such signs in Sweden.

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25 Aug 2013 00:53

Maybe not, but why not just use the old "Service" signs? It means the same thing and also use the Pump icon as you say. They looks much better than "Fordonsgas" anyway. That sign just feels weird and out of place.

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25 Aug 2013 02:22

"Fordonsgas" exists in many places in this fine country, i don't see how that could be considered weird or out of place? There are plenty of biogas pumps in our contry.

Here is a page that lists all locations with Fordonsgas in them: ... s_DXNI-787_
In Swedish:

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29 Aug 2013 08:03

@ Cadde
Well, I'm sure the sign exist, but it's not the overall name for Gas Station, as it is sort of used at the moment. That's why I think it looks "weird" to have it at every Gas Station... But no biggie, I can live with it... Though I prefer the "Pump icon" or just the "Service" or "P" sign, as in the original version.

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29 Aug 2013 13:20

Yeah, i already mentioned this... Here let me quote myself:
That said, if the signs in Scandinavia mod always are "Fordonsgas" at every gas station despite there not being any LPG or Biogas pumps at it then that is wrong too. They should use the pump icons.
And if both exist they should use both the icon and "Fordonsgas" to be accurate.
The discussion started because someone wanted to put "Bensinstation" on the signs instead of "Fordonsgas" which would be even worse because there are no such signs in Sweden.

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29 Aug 2013 13:33

Imo there are 2 options

Or you use Fordonsgas (as we intended, and therefore it is not an error) or you simply use an icon.
I have never seen a black on white sign pointing to "bensinstation" but I have regularly seen them pointing towards "fordonsgas".

The problem with only using the icon is that you cannot use it on a motorway as petrol stations are usually referred to by name, therefore making it factually incorrect to simply put "bensinstation". Again, I have seen "fordonsgas" being used in this context in many locations.

I think out of all possible options we have picked the lesser evil. Even though it may not apply at all times, liquid gas is available at nearly every petrol station in Sweden therfore making it believable to use this sign at all major stations in the game.
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29 Aug 2013 17:36

ScuL wrote:Imo there are 2 options

Or you use Fordonsgas (as we intended, and therefore it is not an error) or you simply use an icon.
I have never seen a black on white sign pointing to "bensinstation" but I have regularly seen them pointing towards "fordonsgas".

The problem with only using the icon is that you cannot use it on a motorway as petrol stations are usually referred to by name, therefore making it factually incorrect to simply put "bensinstation". Again, I have seen "fordonsgas" being used in this context in many locations.

I think out of all possible options we have picked the lesser evil. Even though it may not apply at all times, liquid gas is available at nearly every petrol station in Sweden therfore making it believable to use this sign at all major stations in the game.
Liquid gas is NOT available at nearly all petrol stations! That why the have special signs pointing towards them. Liquid gas is usually located near cities and in industrial areas. I think just using the pump-icon is more accurate as this is more used, although often with the station brand next to it, but not always. If you think this inaccurate, use more add-on icons, like "rastplats", wc and food signs for the large stations.

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