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Re: Game crash in Europabrucke

Posted: 31 Aug 2015 17:54
by plykkegaard
Remove mods and add one by one until you find the offender

Re: Game crash in Europabrucke

Posted: 31 Aug 2015 22:17
by T6A5
Well, whatever this .dds file is supposed to be of, it hasn't caused any crashes or issues for me. Sometimes I'll get low frame rates in detailed areas but that's about everything that has happened on a modded profile. The Europabrucke issue, if I understood the older threads I read through, was one that affected everyone who used the 1.19 compatible version of the map, and not the result of any problem mods.

Re: Game crash in Europabrucke

Posted: 02 Sep 2015 13:27
by adrian007
Sorry if I'm butting in here but can assure you that this particular issue has been resolved here I did a post about this very hiccup and am stoked to be driving along the Brenner Pass sorry for the images had a clean out of the hosting site but I think you get the idea .
If you have already upgraded to 1.97 sorry and disregard this missive . ;)
Adrian 8-)

Re: Game crash in Europabrucke

Posted: 02 Sep 2015 17:41
by T6A5
Yeah, I just upgraded to 1.97. No more crashes :D

Although I do have some issues with the area still. I haven't found any jobs to the place besides from Iceland, so I don't know if jobs from other places have the same problem, but from Iceland, there is no navigation to the rest station. It doesn't show up on the route advisor, and putting the custom waypoints available in 1.20 doesn't alter your GPS display either.


I think I found a specific point in the game log that addresses the issue:

Code: Select all

00:04:41.388 : <ERROR> Route cannot be found between [-41007.70703;4.50000;3141.15625] and [1655.68750;31.80469;21225.23047]! Map is discontinuous?
That bit is further up in the game log than what I'm going to post below.

Also, not related to the above issue, but added here for the sake of not posting another thread, some issues with truck emblems. I have not been able to recreate this on the vanilla game.


I note that the generic reflection error has gone away (I disabled my Jazzycat packs until he comes out with updates), but it's been replaced by a disturbingly large amount of things that "have dangling pointers", whatever that means.


Re: Game crash in Europabrucke

Posted: 02 Sep 2015 17:59
by plykkegaard
Remove unused mods from the folder
I know it is a pain but engine reads all defs

Re: Game crash in Europabrucke

Posted: 02 Sep 2015 22:23
by ScuL
It seems the company is not properly connected to the road, we're looking into it