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Re: [REL] [WIP] Grand Utopia - Map for ETS2 (latest update : 1.9)

Posted: 28 Sep 2020 20:51
by EdgeGladiator
Wow great work :)

Re: [REL] [WIP] Grand Utopia - Map for ETS2 (latest update : 1.9)

Posted: 29 Sep 2020 14:44
by drikcet26
I am French but I have to write it in English on this forum well in short ...
Just a quick note, I tried your card yesterday and it is, I must admit, more than good. But I noticed, given that you want to make the map as realistic as possible, that warning signs are missing. I don't know what we call it, but you know it's the signs that warn 150 m that there will be a stop sign, one gives way etc ... I suppose it must be maybe a big one work to add that and I do not know if it is on all the map but that would be great. I found myself at a stop in a straight line without being warned before at 80 km / h and it was hot to stop.
In any case, sacred card it is superb, what work it is magic with all these crossroads mountains etc .... I can't wait for it to grow even more. I wouldn't finish this, continue like this you have one of the best cards in ets2

Re: [REL] [WIP] Grand Utopia - Map for ETS2 (latest update : 1.9)

Posted: 06 Oct 2020 17:49
by MyGodness
drikcet26 wrote:
29 Sep 2020 14:44
[...] warning signs are missing.
Yeah, I know that. And i am also disapointed that SCS didn't include that kind of sign. Unfortunately, I only use SCS default items to build Grand Utopia so they won't be included on the map, i'am sorry :cry:

Yo everyone 🙋‍♂️ It's time to say goodbye to the current Grand Utopia website. 🥺
For budgetary reasons, I preferred to take a less expensive offer for the hosting of the site and therefore with fewer options.
So you can now use the new website of the map :

As the subscription offers fewer pages, I had to revise the information given. Thus, I am sorry, but the list of donors (which, moreover, was very time-consuming to keep up to date), the list of towns and villages and most of the foreign language versions are no longer available. Only English and French, of course, remain available at first, the Spanish version will most likely follow.
The information concerning the cities and villages remains accessible but via two PDF files to consult. The first is the complete list of present and future towns and villages, the second is the order of creation of future towns.

Moreover, wishing to highlight the "made in France" side of this mod, the address of the site has also changed for a .fr domain name 🇫🇷 #cocorico

Finally, you will now find information on the donations collected in support of the project. I would like to take this opportunity once again to thank all donors for their generosity and active support. Thank you 💛

PS: the current site ( will be online until October 9, 2020.

Re: [REL] [WIP] Grand Utopia - Map for ETS2 (latest update : 1.9)

Posted: 06 Oct 2020 22:14
by drikcet26
Yes I realized after my message about the panels that scs had not put them either and I understood but after my messages.
A, cool, French site, I don't mind, on the contrary 8-)

Re: [REL] [WIP] Grand Utopia - Map for ETS2 (latest update : 1.9)

Posted: 13 Oct 2020 13:08
by MyGodness
Hello, here's a short video of what's coming with the next update 😏

Video of the Magic Roundabout →
Magic Roundabout by Grand Utopia, on Flickr

Re: [REL] [WIP] Grand Utopia - Map for ETS2 (latest update : 1.9)

Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:54
by Niits
Hi there MyGodness, I'm discovering right now your work and it is absolutely astonishing. Great job!
Now I kinda wish you'd be part of team ProMods and work on France as we need our country to be refurbished in ETS2! But this is just a fantasy of mine, keep it up with the great work and I can't wait to see more of Grand Utopia!

Re: [REL] [WIP] Grand Utopia - Map for ETS2 (latest update : 1.9)

Posted: 20 Oct 2020 14:54
by Sakura_Matou
I'd rather him just finish Grand Utopia first then do a Add on to it truth be told. I like the terrain, intersections and imagination that goes into a fantasy map like Grand Utopia. Because of that after I discovered it a couple of months ago it has became my main map.

Re: [REL] [WIP] Grand Utopia - Map for ETS2 (latest update : 1.9)

Posted: 22 Oct 2020 21:04
by MyGodness
Yo everyone 🙋‍♂️

Tonight, establishment of a new VTC: Jauvergne 🥰
Find this company at their warehouses in Montbois and Gebbbe-du-Montargis or at their main warehouse in Malterre.
Available with the next version 1.10 of Grand Utopia 😃

Established VTC on Grand Utopia by Grand Utopia, on Flickr

Established VTC on Grand Utopia by Grand Utopia, on Flickr

Re: [REL] [WIP] Grand Utopia - Map for ETS2 (latest update : 1.9)

Posted: 24 Oct 2020 23:32
by Wolfseye
Hey, does this map work / or is compatible with realistic graphics mod ? Its a so lovely map already, but I dont like the standard skyboxes etc. on ETS2, so i would really like to use RGM if I can, as I do with my other map combos.
One can always hope. ;)



Re: [REL] [WIP] Grand Utopia - Map for ETS2 (latest update : 1.9)

Posted: 25 Oct 2020 08:18
by WieJetzt
This map is so beautiful! Thank you for creating it. :D