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Re: Modding Q&A

Posted: 25 Dec 2015 00:08
by MandelSoft
You either have one of your models containing some quads instead of triangles, or you have nested vertices. Both are easy fixable, as there are tools in Blender to get rid of them ("Triangulate Faces" and "Remove Nested Vertices")

Re: Modding Q&A

Posted: 31 Dec 2015 19:00
by IceBlue
Would anybody give me some pointers on getting a background set up for a 1:1 standalone? Also, how do you go about doing fonts for UK signs (new format) :)

Re: Modding Q&A

Posted: 01 Jan 2016 12:54
by MandelSoft
This topic on the SCS forums may help you out creating your own background maps:

As for the fonts for UK signage, we have converted them using a special application from SCS for that, but we are not allowed to share the application. We can share the fonts privately, but you would not have much use for them if you don't have the proper editable signs to put them on (and sign and frame atlasses). As a temporary alternative, you could use the Danish font Vejtafletskrift (dk.font) as a placeholder. It's a derivative from the UK's "Transport" font, just with slightly different number shapes (I personally like the Danish ones more than the British ones).

Re: Modding Q&A

Posted: 02 Jan 2016 23:06
by penguinaz
I would like to know, how did Promods make their mod OpenGL compatible?

I want to make sure my custom models will also be compatible with the OpenGL version of the game.

Re: Modding Q&A

Posted: 02 Jan 2016 23:16
by MandelSoft
I usually re-exported models in ZModeler that we edited before in an earlier version of ZModeler or Blender of which we know are bugged so all TOBJs and MATs are fixed. It was not that complicated, unless the model itself has "dirty" contents or structure (fortunately, that rarely happens).

Re: Modding Q&A

Posted: 10 Jan 2016 07:02
by penguinaz
That must have been very time consuming. Is there some way to do it in a batch or just one by one?

Re: Modding Q&A

Posted: 07 Feb 2016 11:20
by CROTruckerPozgaj
Hello guys!
Can anyone tell me how to make a custom license plate for AI Cars!
Thanks a lot:)

Re: Modding Q&A

Posted: 09 Feb 2016 05:33
by penguinaz
I'm not sure but I suggest unpacking base.scs and looking through the files

Re: Modding Q&A

Posted: 16 Feb 2016 12:57
by v1deonasty
Hi I've just started modding & I've added a new road to the ATS map but I would like to know what to do next as in how to import it into the game & turn it into a downloadable file for others to use.


Re: Modding Q&A

Posted: 18 Feb 2016 09:26
by juizzysquirt
Hi, I'm new here and already asking silly questions! :)

Where are the dealership building textures located, specifically logos and signs? I don't mean inside the shop, but the ones that appear outside. So far I've only found traces of the old "Majestic/Valiant/Ivedo"-stuff in:

Code: Select all

I've searched around for some time in /prefabs and /material-folders, but either I'm blind or they're somewhere else? Are any other places to look at?

e: Nevermind, I found them here:

Code: Select all
