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Re: Special Transport DLC compatibility

Posted: 03 Jan 2018 21:50
by Ranach
but it is unrealistic... no pilot cars. It is just special transport cargos in all standard companies.

Re: Special Transport DLC compatibility

Posted: 03 Jan 2018 23:59
by Vøytek
Which will cause problems everywhere...

Re: Special Transport DLC compatibility

Posted: 04 Jan 2018 12:20
by vanhouten
CAPLV wrote:
03 Jan 2018 19:29
btw.. ... 1249446858 there is some mod to avoid all restrictions and play ST even on promods..
Try to take stairs cargo without escort cars ;-) They make your way wider, without them it is impossible. In narrow roads you cant fit between trucks in opposite side and barriers. What you can take: Tires, service boat, shovel. Thats all.

Re: Special Transport DLC compatibility

Posted: 04 Jan 2018 16:03
by Frank00
You need to see the height of some bridges who are too low to let normal transport driving under

Re: Special Transport DLC compatibility

Posted: 04 Jan 2018 16:07
by lighthousepoet
CAPLV wrote:
03 Jan 2018 19:29
btw.. ... 1249446858 there is some mod to avoid all restrictions and play ST even on promods..
Thanks to this mod and the kind link ,skillful driving, and a bit of forward planning; I managed to make a Special Transport Delivery of High Tech Device 45t from Glasgow to Luxembourg (of course you do not get the convoy escort etc but you do get a load more and much longer Special Transport Delivery destinations). As the High Tech Device is 6m wide it is wider than the Construction Staircase at 5.5 m; the major difficulty with the Construction Staircase will be the length, so a good working knowledge of the routes is especially import with this load to avoid as many obstacles as possible. The planning part is important ( So don't take on loads that you will be unable to deliver) as earlier mentioned not all ferry terminals and Ferries could cater for wide , heavy or height restricted loads. Its the wide loads that would cause the greatest problems; maneuvering through gates and between barriers is perhaps the biggest problem and that is before you even get to tackle boarding and de-boarding the Ferry. Ferry terminals like Europort and Hull that require no physical boarding of the Ferry work very well. As far as resting and refueling are concerned...this is just a simple case of setting down the trailer and resting and refueling before re-coupling for your onward journey.
Because I cloned my profile....I now have the best of both worlds; I can use a promods profile and map and make special deliveries without convoy escort or use the steam profile and use the Special Transport Delivery DLC as intended.

Re: Special Transport DLC compatibility

Posted: 04 Jan 2018 19:58
by Jevsenak
That was well written, anybody can decide by them self’s and should be aware of problems they can ran in to. If you don’t know the map very well you can use developer camera to fly over the planned route and see potential problems.

Re: Special Transport DLC compatibility

Posted: 04 Jan 2018 20:09
by lighthousepoet
Jevsenak wrote:
04 Jan 2018 19:58
That was well written, anybody can decide by them self’s and should be aware of problems they can ran in to. If you don’t know the map very well you can use developer camera to fly over the planned route and see potential problems.
A brilliant idea Jevsenak: I'm going to see how bad it will be trying to maneuver a load through toll booths as I can foresee that they might prove a major obstacle . OK so I have tried a wide load through the toll booths in France and none of the lanes will allow passage; so it would definitely need some route planning to avoid toll roads. Of course that would mean some exceptional driving skills to navigate some minor roads, however, it can be done, as I have proved with a 6.0m wide load from Glasgow to Luxembourg via Hull and Rotterdam without crashing into oncoming traffic. I even had to navigate a particularly awkward off ramp from Brussels / Liege/Luxembourg section, there were road barriers both sides so I had to navigate the obstacle at low speed. You should always treat oncoming freight traffic in the same way you would with a standard load on a hairpin bend slow down, allow room and give way. So with careful planning you should be able to complete deliveries without being penalised, if you can't make deliveries without being penalised because you will be late; then be like any good Company Manager, don't take on the contract. I hope that this information will help you make the most of the DLC and the mods that will allow you to use it with Promods 2.25 until they make it fully compatible.

Re: Special Transport DLC compatibility

Posted: 07 Jan 2018 17:44
by punkito
While waiting for 2.26 I grabbed all DLC achievements:)

Version compatibility

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 18:14
by Tanmay Upasani
As we all know the Special Transport Dlc for ETS 2 is out now.I am a huge fan of Promods and want to continue playing it.I just wanted to ask about when will the latest version be available supporting the Dlc.

Re: Version compatibility

Posted: 08 Jan 2018 18:30
by Trucker2223
it's ready when it's ready.