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Re: Netherlands suggestions

Posted: 09 Nov 2013 12:26
by Nico
Won't fit as well... Most motorways can be seen and cities have no space... there is just no space. accept it ;)

Re: Netherlands suggestions

Posted: 09 Nov 2013 12:38
by Myquandro
At least there will be some improvements done by you guys. And if it's as good as the scandinavian map, it will be a good addition to the game.

And about the space. To me, the map itself is to small, I would have liked it if it was like 2 to 3 times the size as it is now. Being able to drive from Rotterdam to Amsterdam in a couple of minutes is just too unrealistic in my opinion. Altough it keeps the game easy to play, a little bigger map would be better in my opinion and it would give space for more cities.

But for now, I do accept that there is no space for a lot of cities and roads ;)

Re: Netherlands suggestions

Posted: 09 Nov 2013 12:41
by Nico
Yeah the updates from mandelsoft are excellent.. they are in the map improvements topic (the pics)

Mandelsoft started on Utrecht but no idea if he is going to finish that.

Re: Netherlands suggestions

Posted: 09 Nov 2013 12:43
by ScuL
The map scale could be bigger but it would also impose huge restrictions on bigger countries. Sweden for instance has taken up loads of time due to its huge distances (Malmö - Stockholm is like 600km), if Holland was 2 or 3 times as big (so it could fit more cities) we would have never been able to complete Scandinavia as far as we have now !

Re: Netherlands suggestions

Posted: 09 Nov 2013 12:49
by Myquandro
I know that bigger maps also come with other problems and it might never be done for the reason of too much work, but I still have it on my wishlist (not everything on my wish list might ever get to this or future games).

Re: Netherlands suggestions

Posted: 09 Nov 2013 13:35
by RoadRageDude
and bigger maps mean that you would be driving for longer periods like up to 4 or 5 hours vs 2 or 3 hours from Aberdeen to Debrecen for example. Who sits at their computer for 4 hours?

Re: Netherlands suggestions

Posted: 09 Nov 2013 20:12
by n4gix.bill.leaming
Well (timidly holding up hand), I do...
...but then I'm fully retired so can spend time however I wish these days... :lol:

Re: Netherlands suggestions

Posted: 09 Nov 2013 21:33
by RoadRageDude
eh if your were driving for 4 or 5 hours in real time it would be better than a journey that takes 8 hours in real time

Re: Netherlands suggestions

Posted: 27 Nov 2013 10:58
by LOK330
I have question:
Do you continue make the new roads in Netherland ,Please see the two image , I suggest that you will edit the new road go inside the locations????? I think that this is good Landscape, and I already wait more months that you will make this new road in the future....If you can , I am very excited :D :D