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Re: Why did you choose your nickname?

Posted: 12 Jun 2015 12:28
by Polestar
My real name is Loek, my nickname at school always was Loekie. I associated Loekie with Loekie the Lion, which was the mascot of the Dutch commercials.

5-5-00 is my birthday.

Re: Why did you choose your nickname?

Posted: 12 Jun 2015 16:25
by Rocar 512E
I always hada a passion with Michael Rosen teh british poet since may 2014. And when i joined i just chose this name because hes awesom!
BTW He looks like this:

Re: Why did you choose your nickname?

Posted: 12 Jun 2015 17:56
by n4gix.bill.leaming
MIRFI wrote:I knew it! :lol: We're in the same field.
CQ 20, CQ 20, 20 meter phone calling CQ. N4GIX, November 4 Golf India Xray calling CQ. Won't someone say "K" please?

Re: Why did you choose your nickname?

Posted: 12 Jun 2015 19:09
by Boosted Doge
well i roadrage alot in ETS if AI cuts me of i just down shift and floor it and drag them arround. My nickname was going to be TheRoadRager. But i also drive like a maniac so CrazyTrucker :lol :lol:

Re: Why did you choose your nickname?

Posted: 13 Jun 2015 11:16
by orestescm76
Orestes is my name (yes my real name)
CM are the first letters of both of my surnames
76 is a random number i got when i as 9

still a better love story than twilight

Re: Why did you choose your nickname?

Posted: 15 Jun 2015 10:23
by danirijeka
I've had this nickname for about 15 years so far - my first-ever nickname was "dragon9060", but I used it just for my first email address (still in use, by the way, "thanks" to GFWL).

I needed a unique nickname for the school computer network, I didn't want any numbers, so I settled on (rigorously lowercase) "dani"+"rijeka"; the former is the shortened form of my first name (massive pet peeve: people shortening my name with an "y", annoyance level over 9000), the latter is the city of origin of a part of my family.

Fifteen years later I still find it available 99% of the time, so high-five for your foresight, 15-years-old me :D

Re: Why did you choose your nickname?

Posted: 15 Jun 2015 11:27
by Boosted Doge
15 years?! that nickname is 2 years younger then me.. d*mn im starting to feel like a baby in this community ahah

Re: Why did you choose your nickname?

Posted: 17 Jun 2015 17:06
by MistahDave
My name is David.. MrDave is generally already taken on more popular sites. So I started using Mistah instead. I use different names on different sites. My others are more imaginative. This was just a I NEED FORUM ACCESS NOW kinda thing.

Re: Why did you choose your nickname?

Posted: 18 Jun 2015 09:20
by AlexanderPope
I was named after my father, Alexander Pope, Sr., when I was born back in 1688. I've used the name for everything since then, such as my poetry career and my translations. Nowadays I mostly use it for virtual truck simulating. When you get to be 327 years old, you tend to acquire a lot of hobbies. :)

Re: Why did you choose your nickname?

Posted: 18 Jun 2015 10:30
by Elmer BeFuddled
Years and years ago I used to play yahoo pool and my user name was Elmer Fudd58 (DOB on end). My daughter saw this and said "You're more like fuddled than Fudd, Dad".
First time I tried to use Elmer Fuddled it was already in use so I tweaked it slightly and Elmer B. Fuddled (spelt as BeFuddled mostly these days) was born.....

.....And I'm 99.9% the culprit at the end of any web searches undertaken.