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Re: Development on version 2.x (Romania edition)

Posted: 01 Jan 2016 14:13
Akula_ wrote:May the origial author of this topic upload his first post with currently finished / WIP cities , in order to make it more clear instead of browsing 228 pages of posts ?
There is a list on the first page.

Re: Development on version 2.x (Romania edition)

Posted: 01 Jan 2016 17:49
by jscharpf
The only sad thing for me is that the one city which I wanted to drive through was Arad. My wife and I have an apartment there in real life.
But I know it will be fixed :)

Re: Development on version 2.x (Romania edition)

Posted: 01 Jan 2016 23:25
by Horizon™
When the beta still been going, I reported the bug of crashes in the Arad, and I thought it was fixed, like all the developers. After release, we saw lots of bugs which have been fixed, but re-appeared again. Sorry for the issue, but we might rushed a bit too, so the Christmas present for our community wasn't that great as we thought (In the bug wise)

Re: Development on version 2.x (Romania edition)

Posted: 02 Jan 2016 14:28
by mindebuc
I've been looking around Romania and Moldova yesterday. It would be okay except that fact, that GPS is useless there (in some cases it suggests to do a 600 km road instead of 12 km and it tries to lead to the crashing zones, which I was trying to avoid).
The most funny thing there were the roads (some). Those bad quality roads with Logitech G27 are quite funny because I didn't expect that :D

Re: Development on version 2.x (Romania edition)

Posted: 02 Jan 2016 15:08
by kReX
Will "new style" signs also be made for Romania, as they are for Slovenia, Germany...?

Re: Development on version 2.x (Romania edition)

Posted: 03 Jan 2016 19:56
by Destrox

Code: Select all

Double sign ; [03/01/2016  20:32] (sec+0015+0005);60537.4;130.52;22881.7
On the road between Sibiu and Bacau
Active Mods:Promods+Rusmap, AI Traffic+Trailers from Jazzycat and some trucks mod's.

Code: Select all

floating lights ; [03/01/2016  21:03] (sec+0015+0005);62789.3;78.9022;20843.8

Code: Select all

01:11:39.731 : <ERROR> Instanced model /model/lamp/lamp_ru_04_1x1.pmg has more pieces (5) than allowed max (4). Some parts will NOT be rendered.
01:11:40.567 : <ERROR> Instanced model /model/lamp/lamp_ru_04_2x1.pmg has more pieces (5) than allowed max (4). Some parts will NOT be rendered.
01:11:51.660 : <ERROR> Instanced model /model/lamp/lamp_ru_04_1x2b.pmg has more pieces (5) than allowed max (4). Some parts will NOT be rendered.
01:11:57.924 : <ERROR> Instanced model /model/lamp/lamp_ru_03_2x3b.pmg has more pieces (5) than allowed max (4). Some parts will NOT be rendered.
In Bacau

Re: Development on version 2.x (Romania edition)

Posted: 03 Jan 2016 21:57
by mgsakatataee
I returned from my journey and I tried the Romania from Pro Mods 2.0. It's not so bad, I like driving on it, the scenery is OK, but it's too empty. I mean this map needs more scenery, roads and traffic. And also more curves. Republic of Moldova is good, I love it!
Congratz MIRFI!!! You are the only guy which made 2 times a map with >10 cities and hundreds of KMs representing our country.

Re: Development on version 2.x (Romania edition)

Posted: 03 Jan 2016 23:04
by Vøytek
Yes. I have the same feeling. Romania has nice driving feeling but the cities are... not the best quality. Looks like you can do a nice scenery but no the cities itself ;)
The same to Ruse and also Chisinau. I have some screenshots to report it - lots of plain grass and tree walls (that bitmap...). Also, a lot of copy-pasted terrain that needs to be polished and randomized and it'll be great but it's a lot of work for sure. What is also strange - fences and walls. Every building has it's own, round fence :D I have never been to Romania but I think that there are normal fences, around square terrain that contains the house and garden (see below)

So - a great, new experience (bumpy roads, nice village scenery) but cities lack something. Some magic touch. And the terrain needs more details in some places. Can't wait to see more anyway ;)

Re: Development on version 2.x (Romania edition)

Posted: 04 Jan 2016 02:25
by Starfruit 017
I kinda agree with you, some parts of Romania are not the best. Constanta for example uses no (or very little) custom prefabs.

But most of it is very good ;)

Re: Development on version 2.x (Romania edition)

Posted: 04 Jan 2016 12:12
by Punkii
I have not exolored all roads in Romania but i can say the landscape is awesome, but the road layout in some parts looks not realistic
for example the road from Bucarest to Piatra-Neamț looks like a TSM road and some small parts of the A1.
it would be good if Romania gets a rebuild ;)