Faroe Islands and Iceland Development

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05 Feb 2016 00:41

Hi people am not to sure where to ask this as it concerns this area thought I'd ask here if I'm wrong sorry . ;)
I took a job from Manchester to the quarry Nordkalk route 26 and encountered a invisible wall where I couldn't complete the delivery. Am using the trailer pack from Kuba I am in the process of trying with standard trailer to solve the mystery or is this in the next version (v2.01) ?
Sorry didn't take a screen shot and am still trying to find a image hosting as Tinypics is acting weird and I remember using Flickr but I think I had some hiccups there anyway sorry being off topic .
Adrian 8-)

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05 Feb 2016 00:54

It is known bug and will be fixed in 2.01. Sorry for your lost cargo mate.

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05 Feb 2016 00:58

Thank you for your speedy reply am sorry and don't mean to upset anyone are there any more areas to be avoided ? ;)
Adrian 8-)

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05 Feb 2016 01:03

In Iceland? Avoid upgrading garage in snowy part. Other than that it has no major bugs.

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05 Feb 2016 01:15

Ok Thanks for that have you tried the snow chain mod mentioned by Bramzel I downloaded it as will be heading for Akeyrui so will be interesting to see what happens .
I think it was posted somewhere here what do the signs mean with a car in a yellow triangle or I am correct in the assumption of it not being suitable for trucks?
Adrian . 8-)

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05 Feb 2016 01:26

on GPS there are markings for routes suitable for 4x4. I doubt that this chains mod will change much, but you can try. It's a fun route ;)

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05 Feb 2016 08:36

A 6x4 truck is more important than the snow-chains on that route ;) It's awesome though!

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15 Feb 2016 04:28

Loving the progress, it's well worth the challenge!

One quick note is that I keep getting a lot of maximum water level issues in the game log resulting in a crash of the game. Only seems to be happening in Northern parts of Iceland near large bodies of inland water. Is this a bug that's looking at being fixed in future releases or is it something on my side?

Many thanks.

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15 Feb 2016 06:46

Maximum water level errors don't result in a crash. They only cause another error from time to time saying something like "unable to create water texture for item xy". For you these errors practically mean that water areas have lost their reflective function at the moment, nothing more.
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15 Feb 2016 11:08

Thanks for getting back to me, Did not know that, wow!
I'll have another look at the logs see why it's all happening. Probably a dodgy mod I'm missing out on then. Ah well. Those roads are so cool with the bit of slippage. Really adds some realism to the game but doesn't overpower the user.
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