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Re: Images from Finland

Posted: 26 Jan 2014 13:19
by Nissantruck
I must say that it is a shame that the cars/trucks will not use driving lights in the daytime even if i click the tick box that says headlights are on all cars all the time but only some of the cars actually use lights in the daytime i mean outside of Scandinavia and the ai headlights are only on when it rains and a nother thing that i think its strange is that the cars/trucks dont have any daytime running lights(led)in the front of the vehicles i mean like most cars have in real life to help other road users to see them from a distance even with out normal driving lights.

Re: Images from Finland

Posted: 26 Jan 2014 13:25
by ScuL
I agree, we have forced headlights on at all times in the game configuration but the AI doesn't always respect it..

Re: Images from Finland

Posted: 27 Jan 2014 13:27
by Nissantruck
ScuL wrote:It's in the country.sii files, but we switched this ON for all Scandinavia countries.
This can be a stupid question but i will ask this anyway.What is the actual location of the country.sii file and can i open it directly without any other software because most of the ETS2 files on my computer are RTF files.And if you add Estonia,Latvia and Lithuania to the map remember that it is mandatory to use of headlights during the daytime.

Re: Images from Finland

Posted: 27 Jan 2014 14:04
by ScuL
They can be edited with Notepad or any text editor and yes I am aware of the requirements of daylight lights in the Baltics too :)

Re: Images from Finland

Posted: 28 Jan 2014 11:41
by Nissantruck
ScuL wrote:They can be edited with Notepad or any text editor and yes I am aware of the requirements of daylight lights in the Baltics too :)
I tried to open the ETS2 rtf files with notepad,wordpad and microsoft works but i cant open all of them i mean only few of
the files actually open normally so that i can read them but the rest are something like this when i open them:
ScsC®Š|d—[ò:lÖ”¤Ç…ʉædüs<Öþ,«jag>æ$Àyo·ÚO̾ so you can see that it is not easy to read that so please can
you tell me what is the easiest way for a person that is not a computer expert to open my ETS2 files and the simulator itself works fine and the scs extractor did not help at all and yes I know that it is a modding tool.So thanks for the help in advance. :(

Re: Images from Finland

Posted: 28 Jan 2014 22:49
by Nico
ETS2 files ??? rtf???

A rtf = a Rich Text Format file a.k.a. a program for Wordpad.

Files SCS uses: tobj, mat, pmg, pmd, pma, pmc, btf, dds and sii

Only mat and sii can be opened with a text editor. pmd and tobj with HEX editors and pmg, pmc, pmd, dds and btf require other programs.

Re: Images from Finland

Posted: 24 Apr 2015 19:29
by ItsEdvinas
Nice very nice :D

Re: Images from Finland

Posted: 14 Jul 2015 21:01
by LeaponWep
ScuL wrote:
Pasilius wrote:Are there any plans to add more cities in Finland? :)
We would like to make our way to St. Petersburg eventually so Porvoo or anything in that direction could be an option. Tampere could be an option too :)
Imatra and lapeenranta could be two possibilities!

Re: Images from Finland

Posted: 14 Jul 2015 21:14
by KubaJAM
Have a look on the development threads ;).