France DLC confirmed?

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27 Jan 2016 22:46

That will be decided by a moderator if and when it is appropriate. All you are doing is trying to spark further argument and means people like me have to waste their time writing posts like these. Carry on like this and you will get a warning for the above issues. Everyone return to topic please.

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27 Jan 2016 22:48

Peterson wrote:Mandel, I'm not dumb, I know how toll systhem works. Thing is, that some toll gates don't have a price, down south. There's no option to take the ticket, you just pay for the passage. I took a ticket, and I didn't even pay for it, but I passed 3-4 toll gates for free. What the actual hell?
There is a thing called bug reports, you know...
Peterson wrote:Please, try to be less rude, thank you.
I did not intend to be rude. And also, you can also tone down yourself too. I'm having a bit of a hard time to keep my patience with you, to be honest.
(Trust me, you don't want me to get angry)
Loekie5500 wrote:Also, the Sundsvall area (I guess that is PM work?) is epic as well. And don't forget the re-addition of the Scania track!
Everything north of Uppsala is ProMods work. I personally implemented that city from scratch.
Loekie5500 wrote:That said, do you guys plan on putting some old Norway areas back in? I actually prefer the old Oslo
I actually LOATHE the old Oslo. It was ugly and empty and didn't give me an urban feel at all. The new one is much better, in my opinion.

I do like to see the airport and E16 returning.
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27 Jan 2016 22:53

Martinus Kundla wrote:DLC Scandinavia may have been a big step forward in terms of road markings and some assets...But the mapping, not so much. The only parts that impressed me were Oslo and Stockholm (and some landscapes in Norway), the rest was stock-interchange-fest all over again.
I disagree. The original map feels similar across most countries, with the main exception being Switzerland and Austria. There are recognisable landmarks of course but on the whole there's little distinction.
Sweden and Norway are a completely different story. Granted this is subjective, but I really do feel like I'm driving through Scandinavia with the rocks, lakes, fjords, forests... the mapping absolutely did take a big step forward. Denmark generally isn't as good imo.
I do agree that the repetitive use of stock interchanges has a bit of a dampening effect. Given the time investment they require to build it's unrealistic to expect SCS to stop using them altogether but with Scandinavia DLC they demonstrated that they can build well landscaped complex interchanges and I share your hope that we will see more in the France DLC.
Martinus Kundla wrote:Kutchek's worked his ass off currently and to see it all destroyed by DLC's ...Well that'd just be sad.
How exactly does SCS making a DLC in France 'destroy' Kutchek's work? Rather, it provides an opportunity for the best of ProMods' and SCS' work to be merged to create the ultimate player experience. Furthermore, just as the assets that came with the Scandinavia DLC have been of great benefit to ProMods, and not just in Scandinavia, Kutchek could use the new assets to great advantage. Some will be applicable in other Mediterranean countries as well.
Martinus Kundla wrote:(which, btw seem to be strangely orientated at ProMods areas)
Are you seriously implying that SCS is purposely choosing areas ProMods has made significant inroads into for its DLCs? Frankly I think that's a ridiculous claim to make. Take a look at the original game map. I don't know about you but the areas covered by the Going East and Scandinavia DLCs seem like pretty obvious areas to expand into (so it's only natural they are already covered by major map mods). The same goes for France, it's the biggest country in Western Europe and opens up the road to future expansions into Iberia. Anyway, as MandelSoft pointed out if anything the Scandinavia DLC was a help rather than a hindrance to ProMods.
Martinus Kundla wrote:If SCS really steps up their game and gets rid of those GODDAMNED STOCK INTERCHANGES and continues to make new things, sure, i'lll be happy to see that. But as of now i'm adding SCS to the list of 'gotta-make-that-money game developers, alongside Ubisoft and EA.
Well they are a business, do you want them to not make money? I know that's not what you're getting at but as I said earlier in this thread I don't think you can compare SCS to major publishers which release full price AAA titles in a poor state with day 1 DLCs then sell you what should have been in the base game as expansions. ETS2 has been out for more than three years and yet SCS continues to support the game with new features (which once again have been of great benefit to ProMods as exemplified by MandelSoft) and major expansions, enhancing the game and encouraging a continued active modding scene which makes this game so great.

Thanks, adgjl
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27 Jan 2016 23:47

I agree with you completely, adgjl.

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28 Jan 2016 07:20

I agree.

SCS can't be put in the same category as EA and Ubisoft. Both are far bigger game companies and making even shittier games.
It has been released on October 19, 2012, and it still gets support and new game features from SCS. And that will continue in the following years.

Command and Conquer Tiberian Twilight, released on March 19, 2010 (EU), doesn't get any DLC's/New features from it's makers. Heck, it doesn't get those in a long time now.
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28 Jan 2016 07:39

Tiberium twilight was a massive flop. I'm a big fan of the C&C series. EA essentially killed the series which is very sad. The community is very frustrated at EA over this. EA doesn't care or listen to their fans/customers. Because of this I boycott anything EA makes. C&C 4 was the last title from them I bought and I will no longer to continue to support them. This is why I have respect for SCS. They listen to the community and implement ideas they're given. And the fact that ets2 will continue to get support is wonderful news

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28 Jan 2016 08:21

I agree,too. Generally companies like EA and Ubisoft ruin good game series.They don't listen the fans,so they can't make a really proper game.They sell these game expensively,then they literally try to rob player with useless DLCs. Then they make a new game without really adding something.Another robbery...

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28 Jan 2016 09:44

cdawg9999 wrote:Tiberium twilight was a massive flop. I'm a big fan of the C&C series. EA essentially killed the series which is very sad. The community is very frustrated at EA over this. EA doesn't care or listen to their fans/customers. Because of this I boycott anything EA makes. C&C 4 was the last title from them I bought and I will no longer to continue to support them. This is why I have respect for SCS. They listen to the community and implement ideas they're given. And the fact that ets2 will continue to get support is wonderful news
True, EA is a company which buys all the good stuff (like Westwood) and bring their games to shit :(
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28 Jan 2016 12:50

True about ea used to love the Harry Potter pc series but after year 3 the games got worse and worse

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28 Jan 2016 12:57

I don't agree with the point about merging DLC France with Kutchek's work, however outstanding the DLC might be. Instead, it might be worthwhile to going over the go and merging them into Kutchek's map, and not the other way round - or just use assets from the DLC to improve Kutchek's older areas.

In comparison to Scandinavia, most of it except Stockholm and a few other locations was outdated, using tired assets that made it look at the time amazing. DLC Scandinavia brought great assets that broke away and gave those countries a lot of quality, and atmosphere. This is directly opposite in case of Kutchek's France, where already there's a real feeling of depth and atmosphere in his work.

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