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Re: Development on version 2.x (Northern Scandinavia)

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 22:32
by Ostpuff
I definitely would have liked to have included IKEA but the problem is that it's a huge prefab, and it was supposed to fit in between the E4, Lv503 and Umeälven which would require making the ring road around Umeå a lot bigger.

I thought it would be more interesting to represent the city center along with the railway rather than a generic industrial area and some big, boxy shopping mall. Instead I put that in my representation of Ersboda where I could include it without reducing the rest of the city ;)

Re: Development on version 2.x (Northern Scandinavia)

Posted: 17 Jan 2017 06:21
by dclark12553
If maps were not scaled down and it was scaled 1:1, it would take promods, or even scs years to develop the map for the game, not to mention is how much hard disk space it would use on your PC, and also not to mention how many years it would take virtual truckers playing promods to explore the entire map. It would take hours to drive from Copenhagen to Malmo in the game just like it would if you really were driving a truck in real life. Nobody can be 100% realistic when it comes to games, unless they came out with an ETS3 that would enable you to have a special map editor that uses Google Maps to build the map and add assets based off of real life.

Re: Development on version 2.x (Northern Scandinavia)

Posted: 17 Jan 2017 13:46
by taotekno
Well, they can. Flight simulators are 1:1 in time scale but as you said you don't have to need huge disk space because you don't have to create new things on the air. Just some clouds and that's all. For ETS2 or ATS it's kinda impossible. In my opinion even 1:10 is kinda impossible. There are some special maps which offers you 1:1 in specific area but for whole euro map, it's really impossible.

Re: Development on version 2.x (Northern Scandinavia)

Posted: 17 Jan 2017 14:26
by Chris94_NOR
Maybe sometime later, in some years it can be done that map drawing can be done faster.

Re: Development on version 2.x (Northern Scandinavia)

Posted: 17 Jan 2017 18:06
by Kobra2112
It may be possible sooner than you think. Think about how much GPUs have improved in the past decade or so. It boggles the mind to think about what could be done in the future with that kind of knowledge. Draw distances will definitely improve and hdd space will increase. The only thing that makes this difficult is the amount of time that would need to be invested in such a project

Re: Development on version 2.x (Northern Scandinavia)

Posted: 17 Jan 2017 18:54
by Peterson
Better laser scan with a much higher sensitivity and operating field. Stuff that CERN is propably working on to further upgrade their accelerator sensors...

Plus a superb AI and super-fast cameras that can correctly assign textures to laser-scanned models, divide them, sort them by function, name them and place them as IRL.

Roads wise, a car radar and camera systhem that has a task assigned- simple as that: Analyse and report current road condition, lane wise, speed wise, terrain wise, rules in general wise. Yet again, in terms of graphic stuff, sorting AI will do the thing and cooperate with the radars to correctly assign functions and variable AI behavior (basic stuff that's simple enough for developpers to work on).

Spooky stuff that's nearly here. Hey, I should work on that, since I haven't decided what to study yet...

Re: Development on version 2.x (Northern Scandinavia)

Posted: 17 Jan 2017 23:08
by cappadocian
I'm waiting to drive to Kiruna. :D

Re: Development on version 2.x (Northern Scandinavia)

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 13:49
by AnsweredFern56
cappadocian wrote:I'm waiting to drive to Kiruna. :D
I wonder where the updates is.... Hmmm last update was 24th october :o so soon 3mounths

Re: Development on version 2.x (Northern Scandinavia)

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 14:28
by martinusK
The developers usually only post substantial updates. Besides, it'll keep the fun of exploring ;)
Patience is the key to ProMods. :P

Re: Development on version 2.x (Northern Scandinavia)

Posted: 18 Jan 2017 21:56
by Ostpuff
I can assure you things are happening, I just don't like posting pictures much :P

I'm still working on completing the E4 so no news there.