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Re: Development on version 2.x (Benelux Rebuilding Project)

Posted: 14 Sep 2015 17:43
by scaniapower,
maybe you can make between the road Zwolle Arnhem the truckstop routiers nunspeet

Re: Development on version 2.x (Benelux Rebuilding Project)

Posted: 14 Sep 2015 18:12
by MandelSoft
Nope. That would leave no room for the Veluwe. In fact, I have no room to make knooppunt Hattemerbroek decently withouth cramming everything up.

Re: Development on version 2.x (Benelux Rebuilding Project)

Posted: 14 Sep 2015 18:52
by scaniapower,
i know what you mean but you can maken on that road something like a big truckparking not the hole veluwe

Re: Development on version 2.x (Benelux Rebuilding Project)

Posted: 14 Sep 2015 19:03
by Nico
You don't understand. The space is so small that a truck parking would nearly take all of the veluwe stretch away. We already have that problem on the A1.

Re: Development on version 2.x (Benelux Rebuilding Project)

Posted: 14 Sep 2015 20:30
by MandelSoft
Just to show how little space we have:


At the bottom-left, you have knooppunt Hoevelaken. The merging lanes continue to the point where the green grass ends. On the top-right, you have the IJssel crossing. The Veluwe starts at where the grass turns yellow. As you can see, the Veluwe is quite small, 1½ kilometers at the most. If we put something in there, it would most certainly feel really crammed...

Also, polder landscapes takes up a lot of space; here's the north of Zwolle at the same scale:
Because you need to have a wide open landscape, you have no other option than to make the landscape just like that: wide and open. This consumes a huge amount of space, and therefore, quite some cities don't fit because the landscape is simply in the way...

Re: Development on version 2.x (Benelux Rebuilding Project)

Posted: 14 Sep 2015 20:43
by Devilagent
Nice view :D landscaping like this is so much more important then squeeze as many city's as some users want.. Please don't ask for more city's all the time..besides it takes up all the space and is very time brakes the immersion if there is a city every minute ;)

Re: Development on version 2.x (Benelux Rebuilding Project)

Posted: 14 Sep 2015 21:07
by scaniapower,
now i see what you meen its not nice there is not so much space but i understand what you mean

Re: Development on version 2.x (Benelux Rebuilding Project)

Posted: 15 Sep 2015 07:56
by Nico
You could add the dutch map team if they can add it ;)

Re: Development on version 2.x (Benelux Rebuilding Project)

Posted: 15 Sep 2015 18:43
by scaniapower,
than tehere is no room enough

Re: Development on version 2.x (Benelux Rebuilding Project)

Posted: 15 Sep 2015 20:05
by Devilagent
I guess Nico ment you can 'ask' the dutch team if they can add it? Since their scale is 1:3 I believe, so there is much more room to add big custom interchangers, city's and parkings.