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Re: [REL] RusMap 2.4.3 [1.43.x]

Posted: 24 Dec 2021 20:51
by fedeg_1
Guys, maybe it's not the right place to ask. Can the Volga map be used together with RusMap - GreatSteppe - SouthernRegion and SibirMap? If so, where should it be placed in the charging order?

Re: [REL] RusMap 2.4.3 [1.43.x]

Posted: 24 Dec 2021 20:56
by markus1725
It can, and for the right charging order you can look in my new thread "ETS 1.43 Map Mods Working Check", there you find everything you need.


Re: [REL] RusMap 2.4.3 [1.43.x]

Posted: 24 Dec 2021 21:25
by fedeg_1
Interesting. I usually drive around 8000km each job, so I use a giant map, and therefore requires constant updates. Thanks for the information mate.

Re: [REL] RusMap 2.4.3 [1.43.x]

Posted: 24 Dec 2021 22:15
by Evgeniy1000104
Сергея тоже можно понять, он хочет разрабатывать свой проект, ведь команда Rusmap по численности не сопоставима с командой Promods, а создание коннектора - долгая по времени и кропотливая работа. В идеале было бы если коннектором занимался отдельный человек.
You can also understand Sergey, he wants to develop his own project, because the Rusmap team is not comparable in number to the Promods team, and the creation of a connector is a long and painstaking work. Ideally, it would be if a separate person was engaged in the connector.

Re: [REL] RusMap 2.4.3 [1.43.x]

Posted: 24 Dec 2021 23:13
by TruckingDutchman010
So this means we'll never be able to play ProMods and RusMap in one map anymore? Or is the existing road connector also compatible with ProMods 2.60 and RusMap 2.4.3?

And what's the reason that there will be no more connectors? I don't think it's just unwillingness of the ProMods team, since it has always been the case that RusMap provides the road connector. It's just that ProMods is the biggest map expansion within the original territory of ETS2 and other maps have to connect to it, from different sides. I don't think we can expect ProMods to provide road connectors for all other map mods. Nonetheless it's a fact that ProMods and RusMap are the most used combination of map mods, so that makes it a shame if there will be no more road connectors. Is it true at all? Could someone of the ProMods tell something more about this?

Re: [REL] RusMap 2.4.3 [1.43.x]

Posted: 24 Dec 2021 23:26
by SpaceNIght
basically its Promods or Rusmap+roex, not both and its going to leave a very salty taste in a lot of mouths

Re: [REL] RusMap 2.4.3 [1.43.x]

Posted: 25 Dec 2021 00:03
by WillYes
The reason Arayas and Sergey are not making connectors is because ProMods is invading their territory.

Re: [REL] RusMap 2.4.3 [1.43.x]

Posted: 25 Dec 2021 00:28
by bricksathome
They can claim that if they so wish, It's not like RusMap built their own version of the Murmansk/Kandalaksha region a few years after we built ours, or like how before the RTTBS DLC released RoEx's Romania overwrote ours. Even if it were true that we are intentionally 'invading' areas that others mapped (FYI, it's not true), we wouldn't be the only ones to have done it.

Re: [REL] RusMap 2.4.3 [1.43.x]

Posted: 25 Dec 2021 00:32
by markus1725
I maybe have good news, had an idea and opened the old Road Connector for ProMods 2.57 and managed to edit the manifest.sii to 1.43, and the fast travel to Hrodna works what crashed before. It seems that you can use new RusMap and new ProMods with this method.

Re: [REL] RusMap 2.4.3 [1.43.x]

Posted: 25 Dec 2021 00:43
by sbym5333
I tested it before and you can see that there is a broken road near Joensuu in Finland which is directly connected with Sortavala, if you connect PM 2.60 and Rusmap with old connector.