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Re: ProMods 2.01

Posted: 14 Feb 2016 19:40
by ETS2-User
When? When it's ready.
Why not yet? Because it isn't ready.
Annoying? Do it better. In relation to the new content 2.0 is the most stable pre-fix ProMods version ever.

Re: ProMods 2.01

Posted: 14 Feb 2016 22:37
by MandelSoft
Besides, a simple hotfix for the bugfixes we've done thus far is not an option due to the complex nature of the bugs at hand. Therefore, we need to wait for a full release.

Version 2.01 is almost ready. We do have some problems on the distribution end of things, and a bug that increases loading times drastically which we want to avoid.

Re: Promods 2.01

Posted: 14 Feb 2016 23:17
by adgjl
Ximizo wrote:Why even add the cities in the first place then if its just going to crash anyways?
What, do you think those crashes were purposefully left in? They were reported and fixed within hours of the Romania beta being released, and were fixed in every subsequent beta, but slipped back in to the release build. The same goes for several invisible walls and other bugs. I think we can all agree that that's pretty annoying... but what good does actually getting annoyed do?

Re: ProMods 2.01

Posted: 15 Feb 2016 02:23
by Ximizo
Sorry, I just got mad a bit.. didnt know this thread existed...

Re: ProMods 2.01

Posted: 15 Feb 2016 03:51
by RootlessAgrarian
very exciting to hear 2.01 almost ready (my primary profile is stuck in Iceland waiting for the upgrade while I drive around Belarus as someone else)... will there be an email announcement? will there be a delay before it's offered via Steam? many thanks devs for all your hard work.

Re: ProMods 2.01

Posted: 15 Feb 2016 07:25
by Volleybal4life
The ProMods update won't be offered via Steam. It's only downloadable via here.

Re: ProMods 2.01

Posted: 15 Feb 2016 09:21
by Flywheel
Whaaat no Steam, I thought there was plenty of steam coming from a members post a few post ago :twisted:

I long ago lost interest in asking on this forum as you are not welcome to ask anything relevant here, me I am over it all, ready to play trains and farm I think, and wait on DLC's for ATS, as good as the ProMod map is and make no mistake it is rather brilliant, sometime it is best to just get a life and walk away. Now retired, if I treated my clients like they are treated on this forum, I would have had precious few clients.

See the reason that that poster ,was steamed was because the silence is deafening, I read that ScuL was overseas so was not fazed I knew it would come eventually, but the info about having a few problems with distribution was just shared (on this topic anyway). For goodness sake treat your clients like you love them or at least care for them, keep them informed. This will be my last visit to this forum and we all know that no visit the forum, means no map...Hence my rant, frustration has won out, you guys win

Re: ProMods 2.01

Posted: 15 Feb 2016 12:22
by MandelSoft
^^ It would help if people actually READ what we post instead of telling each and every one of them over and over again. That is usually our biggest frustration in our relation with our community: having to answer the same questions over and over again. Even a big announcement doesn't help such a thing, as quite some people overlook it. For me, the customer service side of things is one of my least favourite duties on the team, but I still have to do it. You may not see it publicly, but when I calmly help some people here on the forums, in private I get frustrated to see the same problems occuring over and over and over and over and over again. If you see the invisible wall in Stockholm being reported for the 57th time, you are beginning to wonder if anyone on the forum ever used Google or any other search engine anyway. And they expect us to answer their question in an instant while they also expect us to fix it as soon as possible AND to develop a new version of the mod as soon as possible at the same time. Add unfounded and violent complaints** plus the modding expectations for ATS to the mix and you have a perfect recipe for stress.

You say that we need to care about our clients, and although I agree on that, their impatience and sometimes lazy behaviour regarding not actively looking for information and just wait until someone give them an obvious answer to a question* does make me lose my patience. The release of 2.01 takes longer than we expected it to be and yes, this also frustrates us. Could we be clearer in communication? Hardly, because of one simple fact: we don't know either, so what is there to tell other than that it's taking longer?

We do like the things that we do regarding the map modding, but sometimes it kills the joy every time someone labels the map you spent months upon getting it into as bug-free as possible as "unplayable" simply because they just happen to come across that one bad spot you apparently missed. This is our daily struggle, and be happy that you are not the one who has to deal with it...

And thus I conclude my counter-rant...

*How many times have we made clear that we give no release dates, for instance? More than necessary.
**For an example, see the comment on the last page about ProMods "purposely" leaving bugs in the released version, while I personally tried to get rid of the Arad and Timisoara CTD bug THREE times: one time before the release and two times in the 2.01 development stage. Other comments about that the map is "full of bugs" (while I can only count five severe ones) and that TSM "has always been bug-free, unlike your map" (which is definitely not true) also angers us. So ever wondered why we tend to behave like we do? It's because of that kind of response we get earlier.

Re: ProMods 2.01

Posted: 15 Feb 2016 14:44
by pixza.yaoita
Long waiting is always the most desperate part for new content,
and it becomes even worse when you have clean out all the bugs, necessary evil :P
(yeah, I visit forum almost everyday and wondered 2.01 will pop out one day like magic)

when ProMods could became such a big project, it's already a miracle,
any complains are just sound non-sense to devs.

still a question,
while using the sub-forum, why not put the bug-tracker to the public?
we still submit bugs via sub-forum, but you can refer the "the list of known bugs" to the link of bug-tracker,
which is read-only for us but editable for yours.
(means only you devs can enter the new bugs like in your nowadays)
then we can just throw the bug report sub-forum away or simplified as submitting forms.

here's madVR (a famous video renderer)'s bug-tracker, which is a good example for viewing in my opinion:

keep going!

[offtopic] p.s. I put some new updates under the translation thread, is there anyone take care of them? [/offtopic]

Re: ProMods 2.01

Posted: 15 Feb 2016 14:56
by Volleybal4life
Why we don't put the bugtracker in public is for the same reason as told by MandelSoft. Even if we put that publicly available, people will not read it. It won't have the effect you think it will.