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Re: mbman212's journeys

Posted: 21 Sep 2014 10:28
by mbman212
So as I promised, here are more shots from this 3 000 km journey!

I was taking pause at Puttgarden and took the ferry to Rodbyhavn in Denmark, as you can see, this ferry route is not that popular...

Right away I spotted roundabout and flagpoles and Scandinavian flags, beautiful shot anyway IMO.

While heading towards Swedish border I spotted plane landing to Copenhagens airport

Swedish tollbooths on my sight!

Had to take few screens of my truck, too :)

Rush on Swedish tollbooth, after I got there, officer said to me "Välkommen till Sverige!" (Welcome to Sweden!") Sorry for using other language.

Sun was setting on my way to Södertälje (needed repairing) but I had to take few shots of this beautiful sunset

Got pretty good to Södertälje though I was stuck on rushes on Swedish motorway. When I decided to continue my joyrney, there was no-way to go through this roundabout, man there are rushes on Swedish roundabouts, too

Everything went wrong during rest of the journey.

First this AI Mercedes cut in front of me and slammed on brakes

Then AI Scania cut me off and I was really angry for him, actually he cut me twice (didn't wanted to take a photo)

This shot I was able to get while heading towards ferry before AI Scania hit me...

Those qualities changed a bit, most of them are taken wiht game graphical setting at Medium, rest of them on my custom options

Re: mbman212's journeys

Posted: 21 Sep 2014 10:55
by rudenkov vladimir
good trip. the screen even with the accident. now the pictures are better on the charts.

Re: mbman212's journeys

Posted: 21 Sep 2014 11:34
by mbman212
rudenkov vladimir wrote:good trip. the screen even with the accident. now the pictures are better on the charts.
Yes and that red Mercedes spin 180 degrees caused major pile-up

Re: mbman212's journeys

Posted: 22 Sep 2014 10:07
by jasper
4th shot from the bottom , really nice

Re: mbman212's journeys

Posted: 22 Sep 2014 11:07
by mbman212
jasper wrote:4th shot from the bottom , really nice
thanks m8! :D

today uploading more screens so stay tuned!

Re: mbman212's journeys

Posted: 22 Sep 2014 11:22
by mbman212
Here comes more screen from current delivery!

After taking a really long rest of that 3 000 km journey from Lorient, France to Helsinki, Finland it was time to take new load... guess what? I f***ing found myself taking another long journey, this time 1 000km less, so it's 2 000km long.

The load itself is a Liebherr LTM1030 crane, dropoff point in Rotterdam, Netherlands.

This shot was taken on Swedish highway next to Södertälje :)

Do you guys agree with me that THIS is the landmark of Södertälje?

And this one too, next to Södertälje...

Sun was setting down when I arrived to Linköping to sleep and fill up diesel and AdBlue tank

More shots from Linköping

I guess I might need this... Fordonsgas (Swedish) means Car fuel...

More screen coming, when I get them so stay tuned and patient.

Re: mbman212's journeys

Posted: 22 Sep 2014 15:33
by mbman212
More shots from the journey..

I stopped my truck on hard shoulder near Jönköping and took literally "few" photos of my truck...

This river view is quite good?

Then the Scania itself, messing up with the camera...

Sorry if you fins that those screens are quite dark. it was dawn when I took those, really beautiful dawn actually :)

Then I guess this IS the landmark of Malmö?

Even more shots of my Scania...

Man, there are so many photographers on my journeys Where the hell they come from?

What do you think of this?

Still got 800km to cover, but the most important thing is that I have no damage to the trailer.

And my Scania swells kilometers like a new truck, odo says just right over 13 000 km... :mrgreen:

Q: What you fellow truckers think, do I get 100 000 km on my Scania before I buy a new truck?

Re: mbman212's journeys

Posted: 23 Sep 2014 10:16
by rudenkov vladimir
good selection of screenshots.

Re: mbman212's journeys

Posted: 23 Sep 2014 10:41
by jasper
Much better your screenshots! , love it.

Re: mbman212's journeys

Posted: 23 Sep 2014 12:00
by mbman212
rudenkov vladimir wrote:good selection of screenshots.
Thank you mate!
jasper wrote:Much better your screenshots! , love it.
Thanks mate!

P. S. Sorry if you can find some misspelling or missing characters/letters of my post(s). I'm writing quite fast and this keyboard is struggling a little with it's buttons.