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Re: Cant extract files (1.97)

Posted: 28 Sep 2015 16:07
by MandelSoft
Never forget the "Better Idiot"-rule :lol:

Re: Cant extract files (1.97)

Posted: 28 Sep 2015 16:10
by n4gix.bill.leaming
MandelSoft wrote:Never forget the "Better Idiot"-rule :lol:
I think John Cleese (of Monty Python fame) states this quite eloquently:

Re: Cant extract files (1.97)

Posted: 01 Oct 2015 11:01
by CharlesNewham
Okay. I don't have the same problem that Cyborg has. When I double click the .exe file, it looks just like Cyborg's screenshot but instead it says "Unexpected end of data" instead of "Is not archive" at the bottom.

I think my part one is corrupt, because when I open it, it comes up with a message saying "The archive is corrupt". I've re downloaded it, but it just comes up with the same problem.

I might be missing something obvious, but I don't know what it is.

If needed, I can post a couple of screenshots.

Re: Cant extract files (1.97)

Posted: 01 Oct 2015 11:09
by MandelSoft
Since 1.98 is out, why not try again with the new version?

Re: Cant extract files (1.97)

Posted: 01 Oct 2015 15:56
by Aurora
I had the same problem with 7zip with it not being to extract.

What I failed to do was to place _ALL_ the 4 zips that I downloaded in 1 folder and then extracted it. So place _all of the files_ (even if you can open one) including the exe in one folder and try again.

Re: Cant extract files (1.97)

Posted: 04 Oct 2015 12:16
by CharlesNewham
MandelSoft wrote:Since 1.98 is out, why not try again with the new version?
Yep. The new update somehow did the trick. It's working well now. Thanks for all the help guys. We didn't find the problem, but it was fixed with the new update.
Aurora wrote:I had the same problem with 7zip with it not being to extract.

What I failed to do was to place _ALL_ the 4 zips that I downloaded in 1 folder and then extracted it. So place _all of the files_ (even if you can open one) including the exe in one folder and try again.
I placed them all in a folder. That wasn't the problem, but thanks anyway for help :)

Re: Cant extract files (1.97)

Posted: 11 Oct 2015 22:32
by CaptainAltra
Same here, confused and u mods aren't being partly helpful, if you don't mind come up with a answer that makes sense and why change the way we get the mod? Also I have been trying all day too get it working but it hasn't worked at all (Version 1.98)


Re: Cant extract files (1.97)

Posted: 12 Oct 2015 01:03
by mbman212
They only changed the compression method, otherwise everything is the same.

You must have either WinRar or 7-zip to get the files extracted and also every file (.001 to .004 together with the .exe file) in the same folder to get it to work. So basically you download all files to the same location and double-click the .exe program and it will extract the files.

Re: Cant extract files (1.97)

Posted: 12 Oct 2015 11:37
by Vøytek
There was older "method" - problems.
Now there is newer - problems.

Don't blame ProMods team that you can't do simple things like unpacking archives.

Re: Cant extract files (1.97)

Posted: 07 Nov 2015 05:37
by Draagas502
LA-MJ wrote:
n4gix.bill.leaming wrote:There is absolutely nothing "wrong with this version" at all. If there were, then no one would be using it! :?
While not the most friendly way of putting it, this illustration often describes the issue accurately:
Problem exists between keyboard and chair.

1) Don't use download accelerators.
2) Don't use Internet explorer.
3) put all 5 files in one folder
4a) run part #5 OR
4b) extract part #1 ONLY
To "LA-MJ" You are correct! It is not the friendliest way to put it. It is a outright insult to my personal intelligence. And the collective intelligence of anyone trying to resolve legitimate problems with your setup. I take great offence to it!

To "n4qix.bill..." I FULLY realize that quote has nothing to do with me but... I have NEVER said I was having problems with, or that there was anything wrong with this version. What I am saying and appear to be seeing is. Anyone who has paid their dollar and downloaded the single file is having IN-game problems. Where-as I and the others. Fall into the category of, "Not being able to extract the FREE multi-file setup". I have followed all the steps needed, in the order you say to perform them. I have everything You say I need. I have done nothing you say I should not do/have. (Accelerators or Explorer etc) With DEF, 7z and .EXE in place I start that .EXE file and it runs "ONCE" Unlike your perfect world scenario where I should see 3 new .scs files plus a .txt file. All I see is one giant archive and an .exe file that will not run again.

To "Volleybal4life" YOU initiated that PRIVATE Message from the "wrong" forum. Don't give me crap for politely responding in that same forum! I now doubt you ever read a single word in my message anyway. If you had. You would have. Or, should have noted that I had not yet gotten into the game playing stage. In reply to the "Self-help Guide" NO!... it was not the least bit helpful to me. Other than confirming that I did exactly what I was supposed to do, in the correct order I was supposed to do it. As to Uploading and encoding the "games.log.txt" file. IF.. You had read my message you would realize that I have not run a game.. I can NOT upload a file that has NEVER been written!

I am NOT an idiot!!!.. I have downloaded and installed roughly 10-12GB of Mods and gotten everything running. "Except the Ireland map?" I've thrown out more GB than most people have ever installed simply because they were too stupid or gimmicky or buggier than a New Guinea Jungle in mid-summer.
I have setup two 24" Samsung and one 22" LG monitor to run as a single 70" monitor. And only use a single DVI slot on my graphics card plus one powered USB slot. The Track-IR5 is a bit quirky as is the G-27 wheel but it all works very adequately and reliably. And. I did it all without ever asking ANYONE for help.

I'm saying I can sail this ship. I am also saying the rudder your providing is somehow broken! Should any of you actually deem to read ALL of this verbosity. I still hold Promod maps and your talents as programmers and mappers in the absolute highest regard. However. My regard for you all personally. Has fallen well below the equator. Should the Ban-hammer fall. whatever. And since you all seem so impressed with personal game stats here's mine...

Profiles created: 22
Highest level attained: 64
Current profile level: 63
Map coverage: 100.00% x2 + 100.00% for addition of Scandi DLC
--100% map is an achievement that only 1.1% of ALL players have ever achieved!--
Roads explored: 292,064 km.
Game time: 246 days, 22 hours
Trucks: 156
Garages: 39 (26 lrg)
weekly profit: E 5,139,558

Not one profile ever borrowed a penny from the bank! This is after a years dormancy with a level 55 in approximately two weeks. Most spent mapping.

Your 250km around Iceland and whatever in Estonia and Further north. Compared to 4000km Casablanca to Cairo on choice of 2 highways, plus up through Greece, Bosnia, Croatia, Hungary as well as all of Italy, Spain, Portugal and France. I swear. I feel like your all snooty Euro-snobs with your cigar and sniffter of brandy looking down your nose at me as though I just pee'd on your brand new Gucci's.