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Re: [Central] Paid download questions

Posted: 01 Dec 2022 02:28
by ScuL
I don't think there is a need for us to raise our prices, we are just interested in creating a model that works more efficiently and at the same time allows a better experience for all users.

Amongst the team we do not think it's fair to charge for the CAP therefore it's only available on the free server. If you are having issues, try another browser perhaps.

Re: [Central] Paid download questions

Posted: 01 Dec 2022 19:32
by Vabisdriver
thanks for the answer :)

as long as you keep the options we have til now too .

about my problem ...ill try that - on the other hand maybe the older version from it will work too.

Re: [Central] Paid download questions

Posted: 15 Jan 2023 17:59
by racenut33
Any chance we can get someone other than PayPal, I and several million customers have closed our PayPal accounts due to an EULA that gives PayPal the right to freeze your assets or accounts if you don't tow the line of misinformation and disinformation, your site may not fall under that rule but they will also hold your account for any hate speech etc, I recommend that you read the EULA which a lot of us freely agree to but don't know what's in it end up with frozen accounts and they don't know why because someone simply made a statement they deem racist. I would love to continue using the fast download but do not and can not pay with PayPal. Link to story on PayPal:
Thank you

Re: [Central] Paid download questions

Posted: 15 Jan 2023 23:08
by ScuL
I consider this story and the link misinformation.

If you do not wish to use PayPal you can use alternative payment gateways (and even crypto) through
Please be aware that payment incurs a 40% surcharge for this luxury

Re: [Central] Paid download questions

Posted: 20 Jan 2023 22:25
by racenut33
Sorry, but here in the states it's real, you may not have the issue in New Zealand but it's happening here, thank you for your opinion. I don't like misinformation either and our prime example of misinformation is our current administration. Thanks for the link to the store, but I already have an alternative.

Re: [Central] Paid download questions

Posted: 21 Jan 2023 13:48
by Shiva
racenut33, it was a missprint by Paypal. It has been fixed.
+ thank you for the laugh! :)

Re: [Central] Paid download questions

Posted: 21 Jan 2023 17:26
by racenut33
Your almost correct back in October 2022 the PayPal EULA was updated to indicate that anyone caught implying misinformation or disinformation there account would be held and charged $2,500 per offense. Once this was reported by the news media and 6 million people closed their accounts and the stock dropped 6% they removed it, however they added back in November provisions for hate speech, once again read the EULA (End user legal agreement) I'm sorry but just the mere thought of a company doing this is enough for me to stop doing business with them. The link that was removed was to a report from -removed- of a company that PayPal, on Dec. 14th 2022 is targeting conservative businesses such as Proof Positive a company that sells accessories for guns and self-defense items has had 90k in funds held in their account by PayPal because they sell brass knuckles and PayPal would like them removed from the store. I will no longer comment on this topic keep drinking the cool-aide as they say, if your wondering what that means just look up the reverend Jim Jones. I was born and raised here in the USA a retired IT specialist (I'm 70) have supported promods for over ten years now and hope to continue to do so. Thank you

Re: [Central] Paid download questions

Posted: 22 Jan 2023 08:41
by ScuL
racenut33 wrote:
20 Jan 2023 22:25
Thanks for the link to the store, but I already have an alternative.
There are only two paid alternatives, the Payloadz store or the ProMods store, as explained the latter incurs a 40% surcharge.

A lot of people spread incredibly wild stories that they perceive to be true from random sources such as Twitter or YouTube, that actually have no factual bearing other than to slander an individual or a business.
The source that you repetitively posted is a known source of misinformation and I wouldn't rely upon it to contain anything factual.
I removed it from your initial post for this reason, now to see you re-post it again. I have removed it because I don't want this platform to contribute to misinformation. Please do not post it again or it will be considered a violation of our usage terms.

Troubles on PROMODS for 1.46

Posted: 11 Feb 2023 21:11
by mertanca

I bought a special download, it says we can download fast, but it says 3 hours for 2gb file, my internet speed is 100mb ?

Re: Troubles on PROMODS for 1.46

Posted: 12 Feb 2023 03:57
by ScuL
The speed depends between your ISP and Amazon S3 servers