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Re: Development on version 1.x (British Columbia Edition)

Posted: 04 Feb 2021 19:17
by timibimy12

Re: Development on version 1.x (British Columbia Edition)

Posted: 05 Feb 2021 02:10
by Tahabk
Is Alberta map coming soon?

Re: Development on version 1.x (British Columbia Edition)

Posted: 05 Feb 2021 06:05
by G4mePr01337
I wouldn't expect that to happen until SCS releases Montana, the only U.S. state that borders Alberta.

Re: Development on version 1.x (British Columbia Edition)

Posted: 05 Feb 2021 13:42
by Shiva
There's still a lot of roads to map, before ProMods reaches Alberta.

Re: Development on version 1.x (British Columbia Edition)

Posted: 06 Feb 2021 20:22
by Nathan_A_RF
A topic for Alberta will be opened when development there has commenced. This topic is about British Columbia development only.

Re: Development on version 1.x (British Columbia Edition)

Posted: 07 Feb 2021 00:41
by Sw0rdsman
Hey gang, I have been in contact with Craig Lebeau of the Lebeau Bros Logging Ltd who just became a TV star on the Discovery Channel. Mud Mountain Haulers premiered 2 weeks ago. Their logging sites are located in the highlands north-west of Kamloops., BC. I would love to see one or 2 LeBeau logging sites up high in the mountains placed in the ProMods Canada map. I believe that this would be an amazing fun and challenging addition.

I would be willing help the developers with drawing out the backroads. Perhaps the actual maps which Craig might be willing to send me or point them out to us on Google Earth.

Scul, the developer, will you please email me about your opinions about this at jeffreyallancormier <at> ?

Thank you

Re: Development on version 1.x (British Columbia Edition)

Posted: 09 Feb 2021 02:13
by zebenji
Hi. Just wanted to check if you got the Young & Wyse logo I posted on this forum right after the release. If you would need other custom logos, please let me know. I did a bunch of them for Promods Europe in the past. Keep up the great work. Thanks!

Re: Development on version 1.x (British Columbia Edition)

Posted: 09 Feb 2021 20:36
by willbro110
nice ceep it up pall

Re: Development on version 1.x (British Columbia Edition)

Posted: 10 Feb 2021 08:39
by NickInCanada
I wanted to point out something that should be really easy to add and should be in the next version of the map assuming no one pointed this out or it isn't already being added.

The Stanley Park Causeway and Lion's Gate Bridge in game have the same 50km/h speed limit that Georgia St does. In reality this stretch of road has a signed 60km/h limit both directions from the terminus of the bridge on the north shore to approximately park access mini-interchange thing just as you are exiting/entering downtown. I marked on the below map where the 60km/h section begins if you are going north, but I am not exactly sure where it ends the other direction. It appears they have an amber 50km/h sign where the blue line ends and it seems that following that the standard rule for most Canadian cities I know well applies where any unsigned road with a dividing line is automatically 50km/h. I guess they were to lazy to put a sign making where 50 starts and just assumed people would figure out that it begins once you enter downtown. No matter where I looked I couldn't find a begin 50 sign so don't quote me on where it actually starts that direction.

What is to be done on the north side would be open to choice as that section of road was reimagined, but the entirety of the bridge is 60km/h.

Re: Development on version 1.x (British Columbia Edition)

Posted: 11 Feb 2021 10:15
by robmar429
Just curious when we can expect this to be compatible with 1.40?