(known problem) Steam auto updates to 1.23, breaks PM 2.01

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12 Apr 2016 06:31

Hi all

First sign of trouble was that TCP was suddenly flagged "incompatible" when I hadn't been changing anything. Turned out Steam, bless their little pointy heads, had rolled out ETS2 1.23 without asking for permission. So, OK, had to get rid of TCP and abort my mission (fortunately it was not a long one and I'd done the really fun part already). Picked a different run -- Romania to Finland -- and settled down for a nice long drive, but alas...

ETS 1.23 appears to have broken PM 2.01 bigtime.

Code: Select all

repeatable segv right about here ; [11/04/2016  23:19] (sec+0017+0008);68883.2;69.2833;32017.6
I was leaving Constanta (with trailer), travelled over the scenic bridges, then Wham CTD. OK, start over from last auto save, CTD in very nearly the same place. OK, try again, this time quicksaving every few seconds. CTD at about the same spot (coords above). Next time, I just leave the truck parked and jump out with the god-cam. Levitate a bit then try to fly down the highway past the crash point. Wham, you guessed it, CTD, I can't even fly past this point. OK, try again, this time I invoke the dev console and try "goto Bucuresti" (nearest city). Once there I start to fly down to pavement level, but before I can even get close to the ground, Wham, CTD.

So, just to be sure, I fired up an alt profile with no other mods -- only PM 2.01. Different truck, different profile, no trailer, drove out of Constanta and CTD right at that same spot.

So ... is it only Romania that is broken? is there somewhere safe I can drive? Or is all of PM now broken (gee thanks SCS/Steam). If only Steam would let me roll back to 1.22, where life was good... but I don't see any way to do that (so far).

Typical game log from this crash:

Typical OSX crash log from this crash:

Code: Select all

Process:               eurotrucks2 [3032]
Path:                  /Users/USER/Library/Application Support/Steam/*/Euro Truck Simulator 2.app/Contents/MacOS/eurotrucks2
Identifier:            com.scssoft.ets2
Version:               1.22.2 (67890)
Code Type:             X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process:        ??? [1]
Responsible:           eurotrucks2 [3032]
User ID:               501

Date/Time:             2016-04-11 23:02:59.531 -0700
OS Version:            Mac OS X 10.11.4 (15E65)
Report Version:        11
Anonymous UUID:        5B568DBA-C848-811D-E6C9-9C9AD19CCB05

Time Awake Since Boot: 100000 seconds

System Integrity Protection: disabled

Crashed Thread:        0  MainThrd  Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread

Exception Type:        EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
Exception Codes:       KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x000000811bb506d0
Exception Note:        EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY

VM Regions Near 0x811bb506d0:
    MALLOC_LARGE_REUSABLE  00000001d1590000-00000001d2563000 [ 15.8M] rw-/rwx SM=PRV  
    STACK GUARD            0000700000083000-0000700000084000 [    4K] ---/rwx SM=NUL  stack guard for thread 1

Thread 0 Crashed:: MainThrd  Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
0   com.scssoft.ets2              	0x0000000109d445de 0x10987c000 + 5015006
1   com.scssoft.ets2              	0x0000000109d40324 0x10987c000 + 4997924
2   com.scssoft.ets2              	0x0000000109d3f920 0x10987c000 + 4995360
3   com.scssoft.ets2              	0x0000000109d33043 0x10987c000 + 4943939
4   com.scssoft.ets2              	0x0000000109fee9a2 0x10987c000 + 7809442
5   com.scssoft.ets2              	0x0000000109c1e9b5 0x10987c000 + 3811765
6   com.scssoft.ets2              	0x0000000109c40ee9 0x10987c000 + 3952361
7   com.scssoft.ets2              	0x0000000109c1e91e 0x10987c000 + 3811614
8   com.scssoft.ets2              	0x00000001099dc030 0x10987c000 + 1441840
9   com.scssoft.ets2              	0x00000001099d8e06 0x10987c000 + 1428998
10  com.scssoft.ets2              	0x00000001099d8d28 0x10987c000 + 1428776
11  com.scssoft.ets2              	0x00000001099d8d28 0x10987c000 + 1428776
12  com.scssoft.ets2              	0x00000001099d8d28 0x10987c000 + 1428776
13  com.scssoft.ets2              	0x00000001099d8d28 0x10987c000 + 1428776
14  com.scssoft.ets2              	0x00000001099d8d28 0x10987c000 + 1428776
15  com.scssoft.ets2              	0x00000001099d8d28 0x10987c000 + 1428776
16  com.scssoft.ets2              	0x00000001099d8d28 0x10987c000 + 1428776
17  com.scssoft.ets2              	0x00000001099db100 0x10987c000 + 1437952
18  com.scssoft.ets2              	0x00000001099cc8c5 0x10987c000 + 1378501
19  com.scssoft.ets2              	0x0000000109ef0b00 0x10987c000 + 6769408
20  com.scssoft.ets2              	0x000000010a23529b 0x10987c000 + 10195611
21  com.scssoft.ets2              	0x000000010a229e25 0x10987c000 + 10149413
22  com.scssoft.ets2              	0x000000010987e093 0x10987c000 + 8339
23  libdyld.dylib                 	0x00007fff891c35ad start + 1

Please note that ETS2 was working perfectly just last night, before Steam imposed 1.23 on my poor unsuspecting computer. All was well. No segvs at all since switching to the NVIDIA driver. The only new thing is ETS 1.23 -- which apparently has broken PM's map, ouch. Looks like I'm deprived of my fix till there's a patch -- either from SCS or from ProMods. Tomorrow I'll xerox yet another profile with zero mods, just on general principles... but I don't think I can reproduce this issue w/o PM because iirc Romania is 100 pct PM territory, yes?
Last edited by RootlessAgrarian on 12 Apr 2016 08:24, edited 2 times in total.
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12 Apr 2016 07:31

You have automatic updates enabled, so your games update automatically, that's quite obvious :)

You can right-click on ETS2 in Steam Library, then Properties, Beta tab (maybe it's called different, can't check now). There should be a list of versions. Choose 1.22 for incompatible mods and it should work but I think you also have to get to Documents, where your ets2 folder containing mods and profiles is located and copy your profile from 1.22.8 backup folder to 'profiles'.
LIttle screenshot, to visualize it better: http://promods.net/viewtopic.php?f=28&t ... 10#p117773
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12 Apr 2016 07:43

Yup, I had auto updates enabled, but I didn't know that :-) I saw a lot of confusing betas in the Steam menu, couldn't figure out which one (I didn't really want a beta, I wanted the 1.22 final release). The game is so broken right now that it will be worth my while to spend some time rolling back (note *heavily* edited post).
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12 Apr 2016 07:45

RootlessAgrarian wrote:oh dear, yes, it is some helpful thing Steam has done. they have rolled out ETS2 1.23 automatically without user consent. so now, who knows what may be broken
Yes, the Steam client automatically updates games. Unfortunately, this cannot be disabled in the Steam client (it used to be an option, but no longer). I set my Steam client's update schedule to "only update this game when I launch it" so at least I know when a "forced update" occurs. The only way to totally disable Steam Updates now is to run the Steam Client in "offline mode".
RootlessAgrarian wrote:well, I don't see any option in the Steam interface to roll back to a prior stable release of a game. that's... annoying. I can imagine using some stronger language, actually.
adgjl briefly describes how to roll-back to game version 1.22 in Steam here: ProMods 2.01 is NOT compatible with ETS2 version 1.23. I don't know if it is the same procedure for the Mac Steam client. You may also need to (manually) roll back to a previous set of profiles, which the game backs-up each time there is an update (at least the Windows client does this). Check the folder where your profile files are stored.

Zniwek wrote:You can right-click on ETS2 in Steam Library, then Properties, Beta tab (maybe it's called different, can't check now). There should be a list of versions. Choose 1.22 for incompatible mods and it should work
RootlessAgrarian wrote:I saw a lot of confusing betas in the Steam menu, couldn't figure out which one (I didn't really want a beta, I wanted the 1.22 final release)
Yes, option "temporary_1_22 - 1.22.x for incompatible mods" is version, it is not a beta (even though it is in the "beta list").

It is known that ProMods 2.01 has problems with ETS2 1.23.x (beta or not), so you don't need to report it. It was also known that ProMods TCP 1.00 would not function with any versions of ETS2 besides version 1.22.x, this was by design.

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12 Apr 2016 08:00

thanks Josh0 -- sorry, I missed that thread (2.01 and 1.23). too busy playing the game instead of reading the forum, I guess :-) OK, rolling back is the new project... I'll say this for ETS2, it's very, er, educational! I've had to learn a lot of new skills besides backing a trailer!
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12 Apr 2016 08:12

RootlessAgrarian wrote:I'll say this for ETS2, it's very, er, educational! I've had to learn a lot of new skills besides backing a trailer!
Yes, running this game with any Mods seems to require all users to be paranoid and "experts" to keep from being burned. I myself have gotten to the point where I create a stand-alone backup (both the game files and the profiles) every time an update is released, so I can manually revert when things go wrong.

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12 Apr 2016 08:21

changed subject line of top post to reflect un-newsworthiness of problem. should I delete entire thread? the info on Steam rollbacks seems worth repeating.

I notice in your last post you do say "when" rather than "if" :-) will tackle the rollback tomorrow.

ya know, the mods may be unstable, the version hell may be neverending, but the user community for this game is great. thanks all.
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12 Apr 2016 10:25

No leave it, Josh's explanations are as always very detailed so can be helpful to other players. I need to add a sentence about using backup profiles to that 1.23 sticky post as I didn't know what will/won't work at the time of writing it.
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12 Apr 2016 21:53

Another note for those who travel this same path after me: it looks like the backup profiles dir is named for the release that obsoleted it, not for the release that it represents. That is

Code: Select all

appears to mean the following: release obsoleted a set of profiles from some earlier rev, which are now stored in that directory. then obsoleted and stored its profiles in the dir, and so on. So the 1.23.1s profile bak directory appears to contain my profile data as it was yesterday just prior to Steam's imposition of 1.23. so the directory nomenclature is slightly misleading. Intuitively you might think that the 1.23.1 dir contains the profiles for 1.23.1, but the file timestamps suggest it is "the bak dir created by 1.23.1 on its first startup, containing the profile data for"

I am hoping that these dirs will not get clobbered when I roll back using the Betas menu (Steam)... so I'm going to make a copy on usb stick first!

[UPDATE] the rollback worked, but the version offered by Steam is 1.22.4s so it represents a small step backwards from where I was before Doom overtook me. Still, everything seems to work OK and I can continue my trip to Italy. restoring profiles worked fine.
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17 Apr 2016 01:19

Josh0 wrote:
RootlessAgrarian wrote:I'll say this for ETS2, it's very, er, educational! I've had to learn a lot of new skills besides backing a trailer!
Yes, running this game with any Mods seems to require all users to be paranoid and "experts" to keep from being burned. I myself have gotten to the point where I create a stand-alone backup (both the game files and the profiles) every time an update is released, so I can manually revert when things go wrong.
Well for me I can't tell when there's a new update until I load the game. And my issue is that I recently got Promods and Rusmaps in the past month. My back up profile for the 1.22 version is of course before I had promods installed. So from now on I just need to get into the habit of just backing up my Profile each time I get out of the game since I can go for weeks without playing it.

Tried a bunch of ways to get my last save files to work with Frankensteining older profiles and data into the new profiles folder without any luck. So I'm stuck until both Promods and Rusmaps gets updated. Sad we're a slave to auto updates by stream and not given a choice if we want an update or not...

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