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Chill Trucking in Europe (ETS2 YouTube series w/ commentary)

Posted: 27 Apr 2016 12:25
by theclumsygeek
Come join me as I go for some chill trucking in Europe. I've never been here IRL though, so I'll be needing all the help I can get!

Check out my entire ETS2 playlist here: ... fYrl0eqziG

Feel free to leave tips, comments and suggestions, or just drop by and say hi!

Don't forget to like the videos if you enjoyed and subscribe to the channel for more updates!

I've also just recently enabled ProMods in the series. If you want to jump straight to that, here's episode 11:

But it'll for sure be ProMods enabled from here on out.
It's the first time I've tried ProMods ever, and I was just blown away with how beautiful it is!

Re: Chill Trucking in Europe (ETS2 YouTube series w/ comment

Posted: 27 Apr 2016 13:53
by MandelSoft
Nice video. A few thing to notice:
  • The E313, which you used to drive between Liège and Antwerpen, is a new road since ProMods 1.70, when we also built Antwerpen on the map. I have worked with Nico on Antwerpen and the E313 is completely my work. On the default map, you have to detour via Brussels. The interchange at Liège is also done by ProMods, as it used to be a trumpet interchange at that location. The motorway east of Liège is also widened from 2×2 lanes to 2×3 lanes up to the final interchange before the border. Used to the E40 in Liège now? Great, because in the next version this will all be completely rebuild beyond recognition. ;)
  • Belgium is bilingual (actually trilingual, but that's making matters more complicated). The northern part, Vlaanderen, speaks Dutch, while the southern part, Wallonia, speaks French. Brussels is in theory bilingual, but in practice more French than dutch, despite being completely surrounded by Vlaanderen. Welcome to the wonderful complicated world called Belgium.
  • The "v" and "w" in both Dutch and French are more or less pronounced the same as in English. French gets complicated with a lot of silent letters, while Dutch has some sounds that English doesn't know. For instance, the "ij" is a vowel and usually considered as one letter (which is why IJmuiden is spelled with both the i and j capitalised) and the first "g" in Groningen sounds like you try to choke yourself for just a moment. Also, the billboard with "15 doden per week" means "15 deaths/casualties a week", which is part of a traffic safety campaign usually seen in Belgium.
  • ProMods does not only change the map, but also more subtle things. For instance, did you notice that the traffic lights and streetlights were different in Luxembourg city? Also the road markings are different, and we are rolling out more and more country-specific road markings. You can see that the long dashes in Luxembourg change into shorter, thicker dashes in Belgium.
  • Fun fact: the new traffic light models in Belgium for the larger roads are called "hangman posts". With a bit of imagination, you can see why... :lol:
  • The future for ProMods and ATS is very unclear, but I wouldn't hold your breath. For now, things haven't really started yet on ATS, since Europe remains our main focus and we already have our hands full of that...
  • The tower in Antwerpen you see is the Cathedral of Antwerpen. The "construction site" is not a construction side, but the riverside port.

Re: Chill Trucking in Europe (ETS2 YouTube series w/ comment

Posted: 27 Apr 2016 14:23
by theclumsygeek
Wow cool! Thanks for taking the time to watch through the entire video, and noting down all those things I've been babbling about. Cool stuff! I'll keep my eyes peeled even for the "minor details". These are really interesting things you're sharing. I think I have to go back and check them out one by one. Amazing work, I'm really impressed at how beautiful you guys managed to make it. Can't wait to explore the rest of the map.

More power!

Re: Chill Trucking in Europe (ETS2 YouTube series w/ comment

Posted: 11 Aug 2016 12:12
by theclumsygeek
First of all, thanks very much to the ProMods team for this awesome release. I haven't even scratched the surface, but I'm so excited to check out the changes and new cities!

Here's my first look at ProMods 2.1, with a delivery to Leipzig: