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Things I don't like about the AI traffic

Posted: 26 Sep 2016 12:12
by Wawrzu
I decided to share with you some of my thoughts about the AI traffic we have to deal with in ETS. There are some things that annoy me about AI's behaviour in traffic and I think that I'm not the only one. Firstly, the fact that they won't overtake you even when you are going with 20km/h slower speed then the speed limit allows to, e.g. when I'm on a highway I just entered and need to speed up or there is a hill and I struggle to reach 80km/h. They don't overtake, they just stay behind you no matter how slow you drive and in a few moments there is a big tail of vehicles behind your trailer. Sometimes there is someone who will overtake you, but generally they act stupid even for the fact that they are just bots generated by computer. But what annoys me most is their tendency to stop in the middle of a highway just to let you enter it when you just patiently wait at the inlet with your turn singal on even though there is no cars behind them. Same happens on crossroads. On the other hand, sometimes there is a situation when you wait at the crossroads for 5 minutes of real time to turn or to enter a highway and no one lets you in. From one extreme to the other. Is it just my nitpicking tendency or are there other ets players who find that or other things annoying?

Re: Things I don't like about the AI traffic

Posted: 26 Sep 2016 12:29
by PirriAND
AI traffic don't yield at you when you are driving inside the roundabout. But that just makes the game more realistic :lol:

Re: Things I don't like about the AI traffic

Posted: 26 Sep 2016 13:30
by Wawrzu
For me, the more realistic the game is the better. :P

Re: Things I don't like about the AI traffic

Posted: 26 Sep 2016 18:23
by Stilgar
Another nice :twisted: thing they do is to stop to near you so can't turn. The result is you get a crash offense penalty.

Re: Things I don't like about the AI traffic

Posted: 26 Sep 2016 21:52
by Callipso
The AI stops completely on the Autobahn A2 for no reason at times outside Hanover and you have only two choices to swerve to avoid a pile up or wreck into them and create a pile up.

A car tries to overtake you on rare occasions then when it completes the merge in front of you he slows down right away and makes you run into the car or truck causing damage to your truck and cargo messing up your long run to Sweden or Russia.

Re: Things I don't like about the AI traffic

Posted: 26 Sep 2016 23:55
by Photon_
When the AI give you priority when they are supposed to have priority.

Re: Things I don't like about the AI traffic

Posted: 27 Sep 2016 15:25
by Gylfi SigurĂ°sson
Photonic wrote:When the AI give you priority when they are supposed to have priority.

I've noticed this, I find it rather annoying myself. Being undertaken in pretty enraging also, especially when the AI doesn't indicate there intentions; I've had many crashes and literal pile ups because of this. But I guess it adds to the realism, over here in the UK, I find people drive like bloody idiots 24/7 the only respite you get is when all the oldies are on the road, but then you run the risk of this:

The town I live in is pretty good for driving standards to be honest, not very often do you hear of pile ups, crashes, although there was this a few years ago:
Which I personally found bloody hilarious, but thankfully the house was empty at the time and only pride was hurt.

Re: Things I don't like about the AI traffic

Posted: 27 Sep 2016 15:44
The car is pretty robust or the house isn't at all :D

Re: Things I don't like about the AI traffic

Posted: 27 Sep 2016 18:19
by Gylfi SigurĂ°sson
To be honest the house is bloody awful, they're built by cowboys or as I know them, 'lowest bidders'. There's a housing estate not to far up the road from this image (its actually to the left rear), and its been built on an ancient flood plain; the town I'm from is an old Saxon settlement, thus the church is on the highest point and everything else is surrounding it, but I digress. The land is prone to flooding regardless of the local authorities incompetent attempts to combat this, the River Thame (the cause) run's just behind to the left of this image, all the way over to Oxford and Abingdon; when in flood, the river can rise by some 5-7 feet, thus flooding the road network, surrounding housing estates and washing away anything in its way.
I find it impressive that these houses are even still standing as the area is very 'wet', as in a large amount of ground water, hence the flooding, but its all good for me, as it brings fish like chub, pike and even carp with it, so I'm set for fishing days!

Re: Things I don't like about the AI traffic

Posted: 27 Sep 2016 18:40
by EG0611
Photonic wrote:When the AI give you priority when they are supposed to have priority.
It also bothers me. Like you are the king of the road and AIs are your servants. I don't wanna be king I wanna be a regular truck driver!