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[Fixed] [2.11] Wrong speed limit on A1 outside Bologna

Posted: 11 Dec 2016 17:47
by alogim
I was driving to Livorno and I was following the A1. Once I reached Bologna, just outside of it the A1 turns from 3 into 2 lanes and then there is a gallery: where the transition starts, that is, where there are arrows pointing to the right to indicate that you should move from the innermost to the central lane, the speed limit changes from 80 km/h to 50 km/h. I think this is not realistic.
The speed limit for cars switches back to 110 km/h (for cars) and 80 km/h (for trucks).
Here are some screenshots with the approximate location where this bug occurs:

Re: [2.11] Wrong speed limit on A1 outside Bologna

Posted: 08 Dec 2018 13:20
by EdgeGladiator
Fixed with Italia DLC.