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Promods 2.20 LAG spikes

Posted: 14 Sep 2017 12:54
by speedy650
Hello, i have lag spikes when playing promods, it dont matter if i set graphics on ultra or low, its still horibbly lagging. On high is usage of my cpu 40% and gpu 50%, ram is about 6 gb, i have 8. Why its lagging ? This is unplayable for me. My pc specs are: i5 4590 8gb ram 1TB hdd r7 370 2gb. Im playing in fullhd with no graphics mods. I have rusmap, promods, promods addons, traffic and trailers from jazzycat and daf xf 105 by vadak truck.

Re: Promods 2.20 LAG spikes

Posted: 14 Sep 2017 13:33
by JayCetic
Well if you could post your game.log.txt please, we could have a look and provide a response.

Re: Promods 2.20 LAG spikes

Posted: 14 Sep 2017 14:02
by speedy650
i was working with it for about 2 hours and i was benchmarking it with driving in barcelona. I try remove AI traffic mods and it helps ! Its still in barcelona 30fps on high but no lag spikes. I saw that big problem is my hdd, allways when there was lag spike my hdd run on 100%. I cant probably fix that. Can installing game on sdd help ? because i´d like to use modded traffic, not only the scs one. sorry for my bad english, im not native english speaker.

Re: Promods 2.20 LAG spikes

Posted: 14 Sep 2017 14:13
by JayCetic
Yes SSD helps. But there could be other hardware issues too. Not just HDD problem. Like running the game on 32bit mode. Instead try running it in 64 Bit Directx Mode. I am just assuming here since without the game.log.txt i can't say for sure.