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[Not a bug] Lanes for left turn in Novi Sad

Posted: 15 Nov 2017 11:45
by brainiac
I was driving in Novi Sad and saw very strange thing: lanes for left turn with Scandinavian prefabs made by Promods team, I guess MandelSoft, are very short, even shorter than truck with 1 trailer. Such short lane doesn't have sense. Purpose of lane for left turn is unblocking lane for straight. Short lane doesn't fulfill purpose.
It is even worse with default Promods semaphore cycles because semaphores for straight and right aren't green at the same time and better is to remove lanes for left instead of keepeng such short lanes. Fortunately, I use my semaphore cycles.
I am willing to list all places with short lanes for left turn.
Please, just let me know if this will be fixed.

Re: Lanes for left turn in Novi Sad

Posted: 15 Nov 2017 11:58
by jdenm8