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Hello from Anthony!

Posted: 16 May 2014 14:58
by MrAnthony
Hi there!

I'm Anthony, and I live in Lincoln here in the UK. I'm a uni student and I've just finished my first year. I've been playing games for as long as I can remember and have always been into driving. Be it cars, trucks, buses, whatever really. My realy passion is music however, and here at Lincoln I study Audio Production which is great. Really challening, and really interesting. I love composing and I also play in a band called The Empires. (Yes, it is a Star Wars reference.) I play the bass guitar mainly, and have done so for 6 years now. I also play guitar, piano, drums and a little bit of clarinet. I attempt to sing, but it's not really my main role in the band, haha!

I got ETS2 last year, and when I stumbled across the ProMods map I had to give it a try. Rather shamefully I never posted here until now so it's only fair that I start appreciating the effort that's gone into this map properly. I've been away from the game since late last year, but now that I've got some free time I'm getting back into it. Just got the latest version of the map and I'm already impressed. I'll be posting some screenshots of my travels shortly, so keep your eyes peeled for those!

That's a little bit about me, so thanks for reading!

See you soon,

- Anthony.

Re: Hello from Anthony!

Posted: 16 May 2014 15:15
by stummer
Welcome Anthony, and keep on trucking!

Re: Hello from Anthony!

Posted: 17 May 2014 01:31
by RoadRageDude
hey Anthony welcome to ProMods hope you like it here.

Re: Hello from Anthony!

Posted: 19 May 2014 12:29
by MrAnthony
Cheers guys!

Having a great time so far :)

Re: Hello from Anthony!

Posted: 19 May 2014 15:46
by KubaJAM
Great, glad to hear it. Looking forward to more screens ;)