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MrAnthony's Screenshots

Posted: 16 May 2014 16:08
by MrAnthony
Hi there!

Here I will share my pictures taken whilst driving different jobs across this lovely map. I'll update this as and when I can, currently my wheel is at home but I'll be back in a week or two so I can really get back into this game. I'll also try to give each a job a little story, since it's technically a simulation, I like to imagine I'm really doing the work, haha!


First job: Container from Portsmouth to Caen

Currently doing agency work, so I'm yet to get my own truck. I'm saving though. One day I'll have my own company and a whole fleet of custom trucks! You'll see.

It was nice to arrive at the depot to find that the trailer had already been hitched. Saved me a job!

Just about to board the ferry. It was only a short journey to the port, I'll be departing soon!

Sadly I didn't manage to grab any pictures in Cabourg, traffic was manic and I just didn't have the time. Absolutely lovely little town though. Maybe next time I'll get chance to grab a few. Here I am just on the outskirts heading towards my destination of Caen. The sun is slowly going down, it's late afternoon, the temperature is just right and the dual carriageway is nice and clear!

On to Caen! It's been a nice short drive, just about right for starting my trucking career. Rather wish I could take a detour to Le Mans, but the 24hr race isn't for another month yet. Oh well, might have to call in sick next month and head down for the weekend. ;)


- Anthony.

Re: MrAnthony's Screenshots

Posted: 16 May 2014 19:19
by TheScaniaBoy
Great start. Keep it up! :)

Re: MrAnthony's Screenshots

Posted: 16 May 2014 20:03
by KubaJAM
Looks great mate keep enjoying ETS 2

Re: MrAnthony's Screenshots

Posted: 17 May 2014 16:05
by MrAnthony
Cheers guys!

This game really is a pain with the keyboard... One more week and I'll be back behind the wheel!


Second job: FedEx trailer from Portsmouth to Croydon

A nice, simple and short drive heading north to Croydon for this job. My sheet says I've got toys to deliver. Must have come off one of the ships in the port. It's now my job to get them to where they need to go.

I was given a MAN this time. Nice truck, love how big the windscreen is. Great for visibility, cab feels nice and airy.

The sun was setting, which made for quite a nice drive on the country roads before hitting the M27 where I could settle down and get a move on.

It had been quite a nice drive up to this point. It was getting a little darker, but the roads seemed nice and quiet, which was great because I could just keep on moving without being disturbed.

That was of course until I hit some roadworks, and those bloody average speed cameras. Always there to mess your journey up! Why they're necessary during these hours of the day I don't know. There aren't any people working on the road at 7-8pm. :roll:

But I eventually made it. On time too, which was a bonus. Just enough time to park up and grab a cup of tea before heading home, back to Portsmouth. Another job well done I'd say.


- Anthony.

Re: MrAnthony's Screenshots

Posted: 17 May 2014 17:03
by KubaJAM
Great screens again... the game is a pain to play with keyboard, I had to put up with it for 8 months ish, until I got my Xbox 360 controller. The best thing about not using keyboard is that you can vary your steering/ acceleration and braking input.
MrAnthony wrote:Why they're necessary during these hours of the day I don't know. There aren't any people working on the road at 7-8pm.
Haha well we all know here in Britain that there are never many people working on the road at any time of day ;)

Re: MrAnthony's Screenshots

Posted: 18 May 2014 08:55
by jasper
Awesome screenshots , i love it , have a safe trip :)

Re: MrAnthony's Screenshots

Posted: 18 May 2014 13:22
by MrAnthony
Cheers guys!

I do own a steering wheel, but since coming to uni I decided to leave it at home thinking it wouldn't get used. Shame really, could rather use it right now! And yes, we sure do know about people working on the roads. Ridiculous! ;)


Third job: Logs from the outskirts of Manchester to central Birmingham.

Never been a fan of city driving, even more so during rush hour. Thankfully it was another late evening trip for me so the roads were plenty quiet.

Just heading towards the motorway here. Logs are pretty heavy and I've only got a 480hp Scania, so acceleration is a little on the none-existant side. But we'll be fine once we're on the motorway and rolling.

Well and truly motoring now. A couple of junctions to navigate, but they're no big deal. Got the radio on and I'm well and truly settled into the drive now. It's a very basically equipped truck. No sat-nav, so I'm relying on the road signs to get me there.

The sun is at that point where it's a little too low for the visor to actually function, so visiblity is a bit of a pain. Not to worry though, it'll dissappear behind the trees before long.

Birmingham is on the horizon! A few more minutes and I'll be there. Roads aren't too busy. Everyone must have already gone home for the day.

And here we are in the yard in Birmingham. Just got to park up and it's another job well done!


- Anthony.

Re: MrAnthony's Screenshots

Posted: 18 May 2014 15:32
by jasper
4th screenshot awesome!

Re: MrAnthony's Screenshots

Posted: 19 May 2014 12:11
by MrAnthony
Cheers Jasper! I quite like that one too.

I discovered the proper photo tool in the last set, so I've been using it for pretty much all of my screenshots now!


Fourth job: Delivery for DB Schenker from Portsmouth to Le Havre

Didn't get a call until the late afternoon asking if I could drive overnight to Le Havre, I was alittle skeptical to begin with, having never done a proper night time drive before. But I took the job and headed off to collect the truck around 8pm. Couldn't grab any photos until after I got of the Ferry in Cherbourg. The Depot guys were running a little late meaning I had to rush in the end to catch the ferry on time.

Got myself a nice Volvo once again. Not sure about the pink, I'll be perfectly honest. It's a nice colour, but it doesn't suit this truck. At least not in this shade. I encountered my first toll road on this journey, which was fine since the agency reimbursed the cost once I got home.

It's just typical that I would encounter roadworks, even on French soil! But at least there were no other speed limits being enforced so I could just motor on through.

It was a little bit foggy in the early hours of the morning, and I found myself stuck behind another Volvo doing about 30mph on the dual carriageway. A little too slow if you ask me, but he probably had something fragile in his containers.

Crossing this bridge was great, apart from the fact that it was dark and foggy so I couldn't really see much. The wind blew the truck about a little, but it wasn't too bad. Just got to travel a little further and I'll arrive at my destination. Another short trip, but possibly the most interesting one yet!


- Anthony.

Re: MrAnthony's Screenshots

Posted: 19 May 2014 12:28
by stummer
Awesome screens, Anthony.
I love it when trucks are not overloaded with accessories...