[GUIDE] Load order for recommended compatible maps [1.50]

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18 Sep 2016 13:55

WARNING! This is not a guarantee for bug-free gameplay! If you encounter any problems, please check again on a clean profile with only ProMods enabled. If the problem still persists, please file a report in the Troubleshooting & Support section. Otherwise please find out which mod is responsible for your problem and contact the creator(s) of said mod.

There are a few maps compatible with ProMods. Those which we are aware of (and actually make sense to be combined in terms of quality and main goal) are listed and linked below and should work together well in the given load order. If you experience any errors, please try again on a clean profile with only ProMods and those maps enabled. In case you have a shifted world map it usually helps to put the ProMods Def package (with RusMap compatibility checked) at highest priority. If your problem persists, please open a new topic in Troubleshooting & Support/Gameplay Issues and describe your problem including your game.log.txt. There are a few map mods which we do not support and the discussion and support of which we forbid on our forums due to piracy and mod theft. You will find some examples of those below as well. If we have forgotten a map, please give us a note in the corresponding Discussion thread.

Recommended load order in the mod manager:

↑ Top of mod manager
  • ProMods Background Map - Use one of these two:
    • ProMods High Quality Background Map 1.8.1
    • ProMods High Quality Afroeurasia Background Map 2.4 (suitable when using additional maps not covered by the standard background map)
  • ProMods New Map Icons ETS2
  • (Other mods)
  • ProMods Cabin Accessories Pack 1.50
  • ProMods Trailer & Company Pack 1.50 Trailers Def Replacement (or Standalone - do not activate both)
  • ProMods Trailer & Company Pack 1.50 Trailers Def Main
  • ProMods Trailer & Company Pack 1.50 Trailers
  • ProMods Trailer & Company Pack 1.50 Companies Def
  • ProMods Trailer & Company Pack 1.50 Companies
  • Maghreb Map 0.3.5 Def - Not for 1.50 yet
  • Maghreb Map 0.3.5 Map - Not for 1.50 yet
  • Maghreb Map 0.3.5 Models 1- Not for 1.50 yet
  • Maghreb Map 0.3.5 Models 2 - Not for 1.50 yet
  • Maghreb Map 0.3.5 Models 3 - Not for 1.50 yet
  • ProMods Middle-East Add-On 2.70 Def & Map
  • ProMods Middle-East Add-On 2.70 Assets
  • ProMods Europe 2.70 RusMap 2.50 Road Connection
  • RusMap 2.51 Def
  • RusMap 2.51 Map
  • RusMap 2.51 Models 1
  • RusMap 2.51 Models 2
  • RusMap 2.51 Models 3
  • RusMap 2.51 Models 4
  • RusMap 2.51 Prefabs
  • ProMods Europe 2.70 DLC Support Pack
  • ProMods Europe 2.70 Def (with map zoom compatibility checked)
  • ProMods Europe 2.70 Map
  • ProMods Europe 2.70 Models 1
  • ProMods Europe 2.70 Models 2
  • ProMods Europe 2.70 Models 3
  • ProMods Europe 2.70 Media
  • ProMods Europe 2.70 Assets
  • ProMods The Great Steppe 1.1.1 Def + Map
  • ProMods The Great Steppe 1.1.1 Asset
  • English city names for Southern Region Map
  • Southern Region Map 12.2 (not yet for 1.50)
  • SibirMap 2.8.1
  • Java Road Revolution 0.7 Def & Map - Not for 1.50 yet
  • Java Road Revolution 0.7 Assets & Models 1 - Not for 1.50 yet
  • Java Road Revolution 0.7 Assets & Models 2 - Not for 1.50 yet
↓ Bottom of mod manager

Links to recommended maps and other mods from ProMods:

ProMods Europe 2.70
ProMods Middle-East Add-On 2.70
ProMods The Great Steppe 1.1.1
ProMods Trailer & Company Pack 1.50
ProMods Cabin Accessories Pack 1.50
ProMods Background Maps
ProMods New Map Icons ETS2
ProMods Road Connections for other maps
Maghreb Map 0.3.5
RusMap 2.51
Southern Region Map 12.2
SibirMap 2.8.1
Java Road Revolution 0.7

Examples of maps of which we forbid any discussion and support due to piracy and mod theft:
  • Mario Map
  • Mega Mod
  • North Africa Map
  • South Korea Adventure Map
  • Union Map
  • Map of Russia (Stolen Version of multiple Russia mods merged together, also paid mod!)

How to manually activate map zoom compatibility in an older version of ProMods:
Note: not necessary when using the ProMods Map Backgrounds
  • Download the Def package of the newest ProMods version and of the version you need. Remember check "Check this box if you use other map combinations" for newest ProMods version.
  • Open both Def packages with 7-Zip or WinRar.
  • In both packages, open the folder \def\ and then the file map_data.sii with e.g. Notepad++ or Windows Notepad.
  • Copy the lines about zoom_uplift and camera_limits from the new file and replace them in the old file. (Here you can change the colours for the world map and GPS as well.)
  • Save, close the notepad, let the archive update, and you're good to go! (You can now delete the newer Def package, which you no longer need.)
Last edited by Nathan_A_RF on 22 Mar 2022 02:20, edited 115 times in total.


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