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Problems connecting roads Brest and Warsaw

Posted: 27 Jul 2019 12:43
by zzang21goo
There is a road connection problem between Brest and Warsaw.
Unlike the 1.34 version, it comes out on the road of DLC.
There is no problem with the move, but it is recognized as a road with broken navigation and comes out to go on another road. What should I do?
The mode you are using is in order
promods 1.35 super zoom
Photo mode view extension mod
Dangerous Turn Lights 1.33
ProMods 2.41 trailer and Company Pack
ProMods 2.41+RusMap 1.9.0 Connection
Southern_Region_map Ferry
ProMods 2.41 def
RusMap 1.9.0 Map
RusMap 1.9.0 Model
RusMap 1.9.0 Model2
ProMods 2.41 Middle-East-Add-on Def&Map
ProMods 2.41 Map~Assets
RusMap def
ProMods 2.41 Middle-East-Add-on Assets
Project BalKans Package
SISL's Mega Pack
Truck skin

My language is not English, but my grammar is strange.

Re: Problems connecting roads Brest and Warsaw

Posted: 27 Jul 2019 12:55
by scan720

looke here for the right Load Order:
[GUIDE] Load order for recommended compatible maps [1.35]

Best regards,

Re: Problems connecting roads Brest and Warsaw

Posted: 27 Jul 2019 14:14
by Josh0
This is not causing your map problem, but I see another problem. You say you are loading both:
  • overweight_trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v7.8.3
  • trailers_and_cargo_pack_by_Jazzycat_v7.8.3
On Jazzycat's website he warns not to use the overweight package if you also use the trailers and cargo package:
Attention! This pack is part of my Trailers and cargo pack. Don't use them together!