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Problem with packaging mod file

Posted: 28 Mar 2020 01:15
by T6A5
Hi everybody,

I am not exactly new to the modding scene (I've made a few truck skins over the years), but I generally used ETS2 Studio for that sort of purpose, so I never had to go through the process of packaging a mod file from scratch, so there may be information I am missing.

My problem is, on the outside, very simple: I made an edit of one of the camera views (window_basic.sii) so that it behaves like the bumper camera, but I can move it around. I downloaded a truck FOV mod from Steam Workshop, deleted all the modified camera views, and dropped my own in, and it worked fine then (Steam Workshop mods are not packaged into archives, so I didn't have to unpack and repack the file each time I made a change to the coordinates). This worked fine for the interim, but I know that as soon as an update to that mod comes out, it will overwrite my stuff, so I wanted to package it into an .scs file so that it would stick.

So I created my folder structure: in the mod directory, I have a "def" folder, description.txt, icon.jpg, and manifest.sii. Inside the def folder, the structure is as follows: camera -> units -> window_basic.sii. This is the folder structure the FOV mod from Steam followed and it worked great, so I copied the structure, packaged it up, and it just... doesn't work. It doesn't crash my game, or anything, but the "5" key just loads the over the shoulder camera, instead of the bumper camera I made to replace it, like there was no mod installed in the first place. I know it should work because when I drop it into the Workshop package, it works just fine, so the problem must be in the way that I am packaging my .scs file, but I have no idea what I could be doing wrong.

Any thoughts?


Re: Problem with packaging mod file

Posted: 28 Mar 2020 12:43
by Vøytek
Maybe you forgot the "def" folder?

You say you have it, but if it doesn't have any effect, maybe something's wrong with the structure. Could you share a screenshot?

Re: Problem with packaging mod file

Posted: 28 Mar 2020 14:05
by T6A5
It turns out that I solved the problem, but it was your question that prompted me to do the investigation that uncovered the problem, so, thanks!

I had all of my mod files in their own folder so they were easily organized, and then I actually zipped up that folder as a mod archive. When I actually selected the contents of the folder, and zipped that up instead, the game now seems to read the archive correctly. I would never have figured this out until I was preparing my screenshots, and I noticed that in the file path, the name of the mod was written twice. So, in a way, thank you! :)

Re: Problem with packaging mod file

Posted: 28 Mar 2020 17:40
by Vøytek
Indeed, that's a mistake that may sometimes happen, good that you figured it out :)