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[Fixed][#23340] [2.46] Svalbard - reverb sound effect in the whole area

Posted: 22 May 2020 23:59
by Granite
Arriving at Svalbard, after driving off of a ferry in Longyearbyen, I have noticed that the reverb sound effect present inside the ferry don't go away
and it doesn't switch to normal outdoor sound anywhere around Svalbard. Also, it appeared that there was thunderstorm, I could hear thunder, but no rain was visible and no rain drops were falling on the windshield, just like if I was still inside the ferry.

Tested with new profile, with only Promods 2.46 and Middle-East addon loaded, set up starting garage in Longyearbyen, and it behaves the same.
Log from this test:

In short, everywhere around Svalbard, it sounds like you are driving inside the tunnel.

Is it possible, that the whole area is set up as "indoor" ? And because of that, it also can't rain here?

Re: [2.46] Svalbard - reverb sound effect in the whole area

Posted: 23 May 2020 00:15
by Trucker2223
#23340 Thanks for your report.

And yes it seems like someone placed a NWA over whole svalbard, since there's no rain anywhere.

Re: [#23340] [2.46] Svalbard - reverb sound effect in the whole area

Posted: 27 May 2020 12:22
by DRS-Vincent

Soundbug Spitzbergen (Svalbard) ;[26/05/2020 11:15] (sec+0004-0046);19776.3;2.19863;-181063;0.071335;-0.130232

Re: [#23340] [2.46] Svalbard - reverb sound effect in the whole area

Posted: 28 May 2020 09:52
by JohnBart
DRS-Vincent, please start a new topic for new issues occuring elsewhere, even if they're similar to another one. Thanks! ;)

Re: [#23340] [2.46] Svalbard - reverb sound effect in the whole area

Posted: 28 May 2020 15:07
by Trucker2223
No that's not needed, the problem is on whole svalbard and everytime the same

Re: [#23340] [2.46] Svalbard - reverb sound effect in the whole area

Posted: 28 May 2020 20:32
by JohnBart
My mistake, forgot that Svalbard = Spitzbergen. ;)

Longyearbyen sound problem.

Posted: 18 Jun 2020 16:15
by ismailscania
This is an issue I experienced when I was driving on Longyearbyen island. Sound is always the same as if I am driving under a bridge or through a tunnel. This is an issue for the whole island.

Re: [#23340] [2.46] Svalbard - reverb sound effect in the whole area

Posted: 03 Aug 2020 21:55
by citelis730
Fixed in WIP