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Reliable download server

Posted: 30 May 2020 16:02
by WrongWay!
Apologies for my emotional rant to all that I have unintentionally offended.

It was not the intention behind my original post.

Cheers, and again, STAY SAFE!

Re: Reliable download server

Posted: 30 May 2020 19:43
by Plum™
Firstly do you realise the server owner is actually someone who has years of experience and who actively as a job is a server admin. Look. We don’t have the best download system out there but you clearly have no idea under how much pressure it is. We get of TBs of downloads on the free server each month. You complaining about support? We have places you can ask for support Discord and Forums. Emails just aren’t always the best place for support (depending what it is)

Re: Reliable download server

Posted: 31 May 2020 02:34
by michaelmurfy
The term "PEBCAK" is something I don't really use unless if the problem is indeed user error, and in your case it is.

- First off, we're not using Invision Community Forums as you keep stating.
- The Free Download itself is not a "forum plugin".
- I did build all the servers as well as the download process, so I would know.

You also do know this is a forum? If you want support, you can actually post on the forums. It is pretty incredible. As you state you have owned Forums in the past I guess you understand how they work. But as you imagine with a free mod we don't have dedicated support operators sitting here, it is mostly community driven and nobody on the team is paid for their work.

But, this quote is what does it for me:
Seems like the server/website is run by modders and not anybody that seems to remotely know anything about server setup/management or even has an inkling of IT functionality and how the internet works when there are more users than ever online. Also, which 'genius' (and I will use that term extremely loosely) decided the best way to download is using IPBoards plugins????
1) No, we're not using IPBoards.
2) I work on this sort of stuff in a professional manner (one of which I am not going to state on here) and have almost 20 years experience with GNU/Linux and web applications. I volunteer my own time, outside of my normal job to help run the servers required to keep all this running for a friend of mine that runs this. I am not a modder myself.
3) The servers blocked you because you were literally sending 100's of requests to them over the course of a few minutes. Don't blame us, it is your setup here causing it considering your downloads attempted on multiple servers also (so not limited to one backend server). For all I know looking at the logs you were attempting to use a download accelerator which gets you banned almost straight away. You do know you could pay a little bit of money to get it fast? And also our fast method supports download accelerators?
4) Going back to your main point with me not knowing how the internet works? We did 50TB of network traffic in the last week mostly cached by a CDN and excluding all traffic done by the paid option, in the time you tried downloading, there were 100's of downloads completed successfully. And just to prove a point I managed to successfully download the entire modpack using the free download service on Firefox (the browser you're using) without a single issue and monitoring did not pick up a single issue with the free download system during the time you tried downloading.

52% of all requests were served via IPv6, and a whopping 70% of requests were served via TLS 1.3 meaning most people these days are using modern browsers. We had to also add more application servers to the load balancing pool because of increased load and the average pageload time for all visitors is under 2 seconds. The free download infrastructure also has plenty of headroom currently to support more downloads.

Being a free mod there is just simply no money to chuck at infrastructure to give people the ability to download the mod for free at their full line speed so limits have to be put in.

So in short - perhaps fix your internet issues? All signs point to your infrastructure being the issue where it be using a download accelerator (of which we don't support as that adds un-needed stress on servers) or your internet dropping during a download. You'll also note if you knew what you were talking about that downloads are served from a CDN to assist us with handling the traffic this service requires. Also don't complain about something you're getting for free as this just makes you look like a choosing beggar.