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Freeze with owned trailer only with promods

Posted: 07 Oct 2020 18:36
by AegisFalcon
promods does not work well with owned trailers

I have very regular freezes of about 1 second, sometimes 2 seconds.

I made some tests, here is the conclusion

I first tried to find the cause outside the game, so you know all the manipulations with Nvidia, vsync, fps lock etc.... it didn't give me anything

Then I created a new clean profile and I tested without mod with an owned trailer, no freeze problem, the game was smooth.

So I added promods and now the freezers come back.

then I tested without owned trailer still with promod, I took a regular mission with random trailers and the game became smooth again.

So I conclude that it's not a game bug but a promods bug.

I'm not the only one, there are some who have had this since the 1.37,

There was also a similar bug in 2019 that affected the basic game but is now fixed.

Please don't ignore this bug report, I really think it's a promods bug.

my rig :

RTX 2060
i7 4790K
32Gb RAM

my log :

Update :

Evidences videos,

on this, the guy is with owned trailer and promods 2.50 in 1.38 and he has lag related owned trailer


And on this he also has lag/freeze with promods 2.50 and owned trailer, look at 2:39

I remind you, it's random, we can have this in countries like in cities, everywhere

Re: Freeze with owned trailer only with promods

Posted: 07 Oct 2020 18:39
by Trucker2223
For me it always worked fine. It also can't be a ProMods bug since the we didn't add any trailers to the game, all come from the base game not ProMods.

Re: Freeze with owned trailer only with promods

Posted: 07 Oct 2020 18:43
by AegisFalcon
even if you didn't add a trailer, it could be a conflict with the owned trailers, something, I don't know what but it's not necessarily related to the trailers.

Re: Freeze with owned trailer only with promods

Posted: 07 Oct 2020 18:45
by Trucker2223
Well, you log shows a profile with lots of other mods. Reproduce it on a new Profile with ProMods only enabled. But as I said already, I never had any problems like this with owned trailers, so it must be an issue on your side.

Re: Freeze with owned trailer only with promods

Posted: 07 Oct 2020 18:50
by AegisFalcon
okay for you it's fine but, you don't have issue, cool. i'm not alone, and we are on PC so our rig are different and the issue doesn't affect all players.

Re: Freeze with owned trailer only with promods

Posted: 07 Oct 2020 18:53
by Volleybal4life
Q: did you already try with only ProMods enabled?

Re: Freeze with owned trailer only with promods

Posted: 07 Oct 2020 21:56
by AegisFalcon
i took the time this evening to test with PM only and yeah i still have freeze

Ajouté 1 heure 5 minutes 43 secondes après :
i just found a video related this issue

Re: Freeze with owned trailer only with promods

Posted: 07 Oct 2020 23:26
by ScuL
We don't make any changes to trailers in the mod, none at all.

The only rational explanation there could be is that you are already stretching the limits of capacity/resources and by adding the ownable trailer you start experiencing lag.
If you want to help us investigate this, switch on the minicon and provide the DC and TC values with, and without the trailer, driving through the same area.

Note that AI mods can also impact stutters and lag

Re: Freeze with owned trailer only with promods

Posted: 08 Oct 2020 04:09
by Volleybal4life
AegisFalcon wrote:
07 Oct 2020 23:02
i took the time this evening to test with PM only and yeah i still have freeze
Could you show us your new game.log?

Re: Freeze with owned trailer only with promods

Posted: 08 Oct 2020 12:56
by AegisFalcon
@Volleybal4life here is the game.log with PM only and played with basic owned trailer

@ScuL What is "minicon" and DC and TC values ? how i can do that ?