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DanySahne85 is introducing himself :-D

Posted: 15 Feb 2021 02:17
by Danysahne85
Hi everyone,

I'm Dany, 35 (in june 36) years old and from northrhine-westphalia (but born in rhineland-palatinate, where i lived for more then 20 years). I'm playing ETS 2 for nearly 1 year, ATS since last year in june. :-)
What could be interested for you too? *think* Oh, my hobbies are my three doggies (Happy, Humphrey and Hercules) and, for more then 20 years i took photos with my camera, till in november 2019 i made my hobby to my job, since thewn i work as an animal photographer. :-)

That's all folks. :o)

If you have some question, just ask in german or english. :-)

Greetings and have a good drive. :-)


Re: DanySahne85 is introducing himself :-D

Posted: 15 Feb 2021 08:55
by JohnBart
Hey Dany,

Glad to have you around. Drive safe, and have fun! ;)

Re: DanySahne85 is introducing himself :-D

Posted: 19 Feb 2021 08:20
by rudenkov vladimir
Hey Dany, and welcome to the forum!