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[Fixed] [1.0.0] Floating parked cars & disappearing AI in Hope, BC

Posted: 21 Mar 2021 20:28
by LATrucker
In Hope, BC there're some floating parked cars and disappearing AI Traffic (but not every vehicle for some reason):

Coordinates: (sec-0024-0018);-93677.9;1.03731;-71990.6;-0.578398;0.0592365

Disappearing AI Traffic (Ice Trucks and Garbage Trucks f.e.):
Coordinates: (sec-0024-0019);-93337.4;5.4115;-72083.5;1.74791;-0.0847653

Re: [1.0.0] Floating parked cars + disappearing AI Traffic in Hope, BC

Posted: 19 Nov 2021 02:15
by Nathan_A_RF
Fixed in WIP