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How to add models into map editor?

Posted: 15 Apr 2021 03:53
by FarmingSniper
I am fairly new to map editing and was wondering how to add in some 3d models and which file types are supported. The ones I have are .obj and skp files are you able to add these in and how?


Re: How to add models into map editor?

Posted: 15 Apr 2021 11:00
by ScuL
You will need to read up on some Blender tutorials and learn how to convert them to the game format (PMD/PMG)

Re: How to add models into map editor?

Posted: 16 Apr 2021 13:14
by FarmingSniper
I got the models converted etc and ive been looking at tutorials and walk through; although the only one ive found from scs or anyone is years outdated so im sort of stuck in a hard place.

Re: How to add models into map editor?

Posted: 16 Apr 2021 15:28
by fisherm
Hi FarmingSniper

When I was in your position I used Mirusox' tutorial on youtube to learn. That was posted mid 2020, so it's reasonably up to date. I still follow the process I learned from there, but the video goes fast so I had to work through with a pause button and make a lot of notes.

A couple of things that weren't obvious from the video that were trial and error - this might save you time:

The pmd and pmg files generated by blender go in the folder path defined in your def/world/ text file e.g. for a model named "mymodel", the text file would be model.mymodel.sii, and the path is base_map/model2/mymodel/
Blender will generate a couple of other folders - automat and texture. They go just in base_map (not the model2 etc.) or the editor won't see them.

For regular models, it only seems to work for me with .TGA texture files. The video has a confusing bit about texture file conversion, but just go straight to TGA. They need to be a square of squares e.g. 512 x 512, 1024 x 1024 pixels etc. so the game can scale the model. If something is wrong with the texture file, the model will still appear, but will look pink. But it's a sign you're going in the right direction.

Once the files are in the right place, the editor only seems to see them after I've run the editor, and saved the map. Then the next time I run the editor, the model is there. The video makes it look as if the changes work immediately, but if that can be done I've not figured how.

Good luck.


Re: How to add models into map editor?

Posted: 18 Apr 2021 01:28
by FarmingSniper
Okay ive tried it a few times and its still not showing in the editor, Im assuming ether im texturing it wrong or its an issue with my .sii file.

Re: How to add models into map editor?

Posted: 19 Apr 2021 09:47
by fisherm
There's too many "it might be that" possibilities to debug without having your computer in front of me. But I can try and tidy my own notes and post it as a guide in a new thread, and then you can just follow that.

Moderators - is it okay to attach pdfs to posts? The rules only mention that photos must be links.

Re: How to add models into map editor?

Posted: 19 Apr 2021 20:28
by FarmingSniper
It was simple .pmd I had to put in the .sii file thankfully that fixed it :D