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PROJECT RUSSIA V4.8 compatible with Promods 2.57

Posted: 10 Nov 2021 23:26
by Thedownloader
Hi there,

I saw a Youtube Video about the Map PROJECT RUSSIA V4.8 and it looks fantastic, especially the Mkad is ready and not a half Ring:).

So is there anyway to put it into current promods?

Thanks in Advance.


The Downloader.

Re: PROJECT RUSSIA V4.8 compatible with Promods 2.57

Posted: 08 Jan 2022 22:21
by MG Mike
I had it once also, but only short. This project Russia started at the time when one of the two Russmap developers died and it was not clear who take over. And one of two others who take it temporary started his own project with the map. But it is not anymore the official Russmap
I think it is also not compatible with Great Steppe and Volgamap and Sibirmap

Re: PROJECT RUSSIA V4.8 compatible with Promods 2.57

Posted: 09 Jan 2022 15:29
by OKHI233
If I read the right message on other forums, Project Russia is a stolen map... :/