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UK License Plates

Posted: 20 Jan 2022 19:41
by Racer11
Hi, how do I get UK license plates on trucks purchased from different garages? My original garage is not in the United Kingdom but when I moved to one of the U.K garages and then went to one of the dealerships in the U.K I am still getting German license plates.

How do I fix this? Would I have to start the career in the U.K? If that makes sense.

Re: UK License Plates

Posted: 20 Jan 2022 20:34
by Josh0
Any truck that you move to a garage in the U.K. should get a U.K. license plate. Any truck that you move to a garage in Germany will get a German license plate. You don't need to start a new career, just buy at least one garage in the U.K.

Re: UK License Plates

Posted: 20 Jan 2022 21:21
by Racer11
Hi, thanks. I figured it out now. I had to sell one of my garages. Then purchase another U.K garage and a Scania truck within that U.K city and It now has a U.K license plate.