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tags[]: highway and tags[]: urban for Police Car Traffic in ATS

Posted: 08 Mar 2022 03:04
by RyusoulGold2019
Hi, i have questions for ATS vehicle file, last time i check these files from def/vehicle/ai folder, and when i opened this one, i got this tags:[]

These are the files

traffic_vehicle : traffic.crown_p
accessories[]: .crown_p.chassis
accessories[]: .crown_p.fwheel
accessories[]: .crown_p.rwheel

max_speed: 300

sound_move[]: "/sound/traffic/car_v8_1.soundref"
sound_move[]: "/sound/traffic/car_v8_2.soundref"
sound_horn[]: "/sound/traffic/car_horn_2.soundref"

lod_dist[]: 53
lod_dist[]: 70

vehicle_mass: 1850

tags[]: urban

prefer_variant: true
variant[]: traffic.crown_sfpd
variant[]: traffic.crown_ppb
variant[]: traffic.crown_lvmpd
variant[]: traffic.crown_lapd
variant[]: traffic.crown_renopd
variant[]: traffic.crown_phxpd

@include "drivers_police.sui"


vehicle_accessory: .crown_p.chassis
data_path: "/def/vehicle/ai/crown_victoria/default_p27.sii"

vehicle_wheel_accessory: .crown_p.fwheel
offset: 0
data_path: "/def/vehicle/ai_wheel/front_18in_p.sii"

vehicle_wheel_accessory: .crown_p.rwheel
offset: 0
data_path: "/def/vehicle/ai_wheel/rear_18in_p.sii"

and here is crown_vic_police_hp.sui for Arizona Highway Patrol


traffic_vehicle : traffic.crown_ahp
accessories[]: .crown_ahp.chassis
accessories[]: .crown_ahp.fwheel
accessories[]: .crown_ahp.rwheel

max_speed: 300

sound_move[]: "/sound/traffic/car_v8_1.soundref"
sound_move[]: "/sound/traffic/car_v8_2.soundref"
sound_horn[]: "/sound/traffic/car_horn_2.soundref"

lod_dist[]: 53
lod_dist[]: 70

spawn_ratio: 0.0

vehicle_mass: 1850

tags[]: highway

@include "drivers_police.sui"


vehicle_accessory: .crown_ahp.chassis
data_path: "/def/vehicle/ai/crown_victoria/ar_hp.sii"

vehicle_wheel_accessory: .crown_ahp.fwheel
offset: 0
data_path: "/def/vehicle/ai_wheel/front_18in_p.sii"

vehicle_wheel_accessory: .crown_ahp.rwheel
offset: 0
data_path: "/def/vehicle/ai_wheel/rear_18in_p.sii"

When i play ATS, i don't see any Phoenix Police Car spawn in Phoenix, i just only saw Arizona Highway Patrol car spawning around this city and highway, even though i increase spawn value for police car in traffic_spawn_rules.sui

Can someone help me with this tags? tags[]: highway and tags[]: urban

Added in 6 hours 44 minutes 25 seconds:
Btw in real life, are state trooper cars patrolling around the city, i mean like Illinois State trooper cars patrolling around Chicago? I don't know about it, because i've never been to America afterall, thanks