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Food for thought: ETS2 v1.44 update really needed?

Posted: 09 Jun 2022 11:46
by Centaur81
I've been playing ETS2 for a little over a month now. The new update came sometime in mid May, but I'm still on v1.43 due to the various mods I use that haven't yet been updated for v1.44 (incl. ProMods ME etc.).

My question is, in terms of the actual "look and feel" of the game, how important is it to update to v.1.44?

I am aware of some of the new features that the update offers, which I would very much like viz. Accurate Mileage System and Adjustable Suspension Height.

I am also a little skeptical about the effect the new updates incl. mods will have on my rather basic rig.

Also, will it be necessary to get the West Balkans expansion DLC, since a large part of that is already covered by ProMods Europe?

Re: Food for thought: ETS2 v1.44 update really needed?

Posted: 10 Jun 2022 04:45
by Volleybal4life
It is always worth it to update. Also, the West Balkan DLC will get build into ProMods anyhow. And will be mandatory from than. Like every Map-DLC.

Re: Food for thought: ETS2 v1.44 update really needed?

Posted: 11 Jun 2022 18:04
by Garrington_Levy
Its pretty important to update the game as some updates will have patches, fixes and additions to things that needed them, or didn't need them but made sense to do so either way.

-Personally, I only update the game when the new version of ProMods comes out, I don't actually play it at all without it as I really don't like the base map.-

With mods, it's usually better to opt for ones that are available on the Steam Workshop - assuming you use it and don't have a legacy copy of the game - as these are updated more regularly and steam will always provide you the latest version - some times you will have to fiddle about with them, unsub and resub to 'shock' it in to playing ball, but it's a minor thing really.
The biggest issue with updates is that over time - especially with ets2 - the quality of rendering, polygon count and overall depth of game has rise dramatically, meaning the goal posts of what is a more than competent pc has moved somewhat.

Updates are manditory, but you can downgrade which helps with compatibility but also hinders your experience and the mods available to you as many authers will have removed the out going versions in favour of the new.

Re: Food for thought: ETS2 v1.44 update really needed?

Posted: 18 Jun 2022 17:29
by Centaur81
Most mods I’m using (can’t do without) right now are not 1.44 compatible. Their authors are going to take time to update because every update brings some challenges for mod developers, I assume, at the slow rate at which mods are updated. So, I am sticking with 1.43 for as long as it takes.

As for PC specs, game developers must keep in mind that not all users have or can afford expensive graphics cards and i7 processors let alone a gaming PC.